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Moving across town!


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"Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled buckets yearning to breathe free!"

I mean: I need buckets to borrow; about 12, 5Gallon buckets for weekend. I am moving across the river at the end of the month and I need transport containers!


I’ve also been reading other threads about the process of moving tanks, but as always, any advice is appreciated.

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I may have a few you can borrow.... depending on when you are moving.


Now for my advice... I have moved one tank from the place I bought it to my house... and I have dismantled one tank and then put up a new one in its spot, so I have some experience but I am sure there are others that have more....


First off... Give yourself plenty of time.... If you think it will take 2-3 hours to move a tank then double to triple that time and that is what you should give yourself....


If it is fragile and a favorite then bag it up, less chance of breakage if its individually bagged... same with fish, if they fight in the tank from time to time don't stick them all together in a 5 gal bucket.


Try not to disturb the sand much or replace it... can get a nice nitrate spike from mixing up the sand and detritus.


Have lots of extra water available to you.... Just in case! Never hurts


Expect a cycle after you set up the tank, again have water available in case things are not doing well you can do a nice big water change if need be.


And lastly.... Expect something to die.... in fact, expect it to be your most favorite prized possession and then when it lives you will be pleasantly surprised!


Good luck! And reach out to the forum if you need help... lots of great people here!!



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Hey thanks everyone!


Beth: Thank you for the advice. I'll be moving the 6th-7th, and i'll take as many as you can spare to be returned within 3 days


Noob: I hope to keep everything in individual buckets, I thank you for your offer for your drum. I will respectively decline.


MVP: From what I get from Beth, i'll take you up on your offer too. I'll have some SPS that may do better in your system then mine.

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Hey thanks everyone!


Beth: Thank you for the advice. I'll be moving the 6th-7th, and i'll take as many as you can spare to be returned within 3 days


Noob: I hope to keep everything in individual buckets, I thank you for your offer for your drum. I will respectively decline.


MVP: From what I get from Beth, i'll take you up on your offer too. I'll have some SPS that may do better in your system then mine.


Let me know when u want to swing by, I think I have 2-4 empty at the moment. I am around tomorrow if u want to get them now.

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