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algae-eating fish?


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I've got some blue-legged and some scarlet hermits and some cerith and some nasserius snails, also an emerald and two porcelain crabs and a shirt-spined urchin, but I've still got too much algae some of it is just brown and fuzzy, some is what I think hair algae looks like. I'd love to add a colorful fish to my fairly bland looking tank...any ideas on what colorful fish might help me with this problem? I've thought of a tang or blenny...btw, happy to trade a 3.5" ish yellow-stripe maroon clown for the right fish (she's pestering my poor percula)

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Brown algae is tougher to get rid of. I agree with Josh about yellow tangs. You could also go with a sea hare. You might also want to cut down on feeding and see if that helps cut down growth.

ps. Sea hares are controversial. Some people have had issues. I have never had any problems with them and they are eating machines. You could get a blue spotted one. They are cool looking

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How long has you tank been setup? Could be a diatom bloom ( new tank syndrome ) Alge blennys are great alge eaters!!


I got the tank as a whole assembled package about two months ago, maybe three actually. I got the cuc after the fact (friend had 0). The goby-shrimp pair came a couple weeks ago from a forum member. That came with a bunch of algae-y rock. He said he was lazy with water changes. I'm thinking withers yellow tang or the blenny with the eye spot on the tail (forget the official name)...opinions?

Also: any judgements on the pic? It's. A rich green color...

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Uh oh do i hear sirens? Is it the tang police? Haha jk. Be careful with yellow tangs. Can really limit what you can add later in a 55 gal. They are very territorital with age. I think algae blenny would be better. Along with fresh bulbs, good skimmer, good clean up crew, not overfeeding, and maybe some phosban or phosguard.

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can I just stick some phosban in a media bag to sit in the tank for now? or I could stick it in an old hot magnum canister I have in the garage...


My lighting is kinda lame (two bulb 32w T8), but the white bulb is only a month old (actinic is pretty old, but doubt it would ever support algae). skimmer is consistently pulling a white foam. I think I might have been underfeeding because I lost a peppermint shrimp while everything else is fine, I'm thinking none of the pellets made it to the bottom for the poor shrimp.


Garret, thinking about the tailspot blenny and a couple snails (turbo/astrea, maybe nerite)...could you pm prices? if I can convice the mrs, I may come up asap (have a bit of debt from a grossly large yard makeover so the $ is tight)...

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Crappy phone pic of our new powder blue tang...it's in a 10gallon for quarantine. Just a heater and powerhead. I'll stick a canister with water polishing filter on tomorrow night.



I can't wait to get this in the tank eating my algae...think 2-3weeks is long enough?


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i personally wouldn't have added a powder blue tang to a 55g. i also would not keep it in a 10 gallon tank quarantine or not for more than a day. the stress alone the fish is going through will more than likely cause it to break out in ick unless its sitting in copper. JMO.

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It's pretty small right now...probably 3 inches. Not to mention that the tank it was in at the lfs for two weeks was half the size and had a gold chromosome to split the space with. I'm hoping it will work out, if it gets cramped, well I'll cross that bridge then :)

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