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Microbubbles everywhere


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I swapped out an Iwaki for a mag 9.5 and now there are microbubbles everywhere. Should I restrict the flow back to the display via ball valve in order to slow the flow through the sump? Or extend the drain tube so it is under the sumps water level? Or both?

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Can you be more specific. Where are the bubbles? Can be a few things. If your drain makes the bubbles add a filter sock, if the pump is moving bubbles that already are in the system add a baffle so they cant get to the pump, and sometimes with mag pumps, once the foam prefilter gets used a little it goes away.


Drain tube needs to be above water line. You just need to figure a way to limit splashing. Can be with filter socks or algae scrubber etc.

Also, if you have muliple outlets from the pump, plug all but one and the increased flow through the one left open should blast any air bubbles stuck in the plumbing out

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They are everywhere. I can see them coming from the filter sock and being blown right through the baffles to the intake for the return pump then being pumped into the display. I will try plugging the returns one at a time to see if that helps. I'm pretty sure it's a combination of splashing(drain) and lots of flow. My mag didn't come with a foam pre-filter, just a big cage(for pond use I think). I still have quite a bit of sump space left when I cut power to the system. Maybe I'll raise the water level to give the bubbles more room to dissipate

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Why change the pump? Is your mag out of the sump? Is there a flow difference between the pumps?



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I swapped for a mag because the iwaki got too hot for my comfort. The mag is running externally. And yes, There seems to be a lot more flow with the mag.

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Having the same problem after switching to a Mag 12. First off check for seepage around the plate on the mag if the mag is external. Brand new out of the box it may not be screwed down all the way. Mine wasn't, and that cut the bubbles way back. 2nd check your line between the sump and pump for leaks, the increased flow might be stronger and pull more air through a leak. You can do that by running the pump in the sump briefly. I think in my case it's a combo of those 2 and that it's just generally too strong a pump for the sump. I'm using it with a scwd and still it's pushing water too hard. Thinking I will take advantage of this by using T's to direct the water into corners that currently don't get enough flow instead of using valves to restrict the flow. If that does not work I am ditching this crappy petshop sump and getting a custom one.


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Bobby' date=' pull the filter sock and see if that stops it. If it does, run the socks in the wash without detergent. Changing the depth of the tube into the sump will not help and will just make it louder.[/quote']


Hadn't thought of that. I have one that I have already run through the washer. I swap em and see if that helps. AHHH, the joy of new systems(nutty)

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