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I got a mp40 last night. Thanks mike. Anyway should I have it on the opposite side as my overflow so it is pushing water towards the over flow? So it pushes the crap in the water down the overflow. Having a hard time getting it set right speed and setting so I get flow all the way to each end. Any suggestions will help.

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In the size of your tank it doesn't matter were you put the pm40. You'll have good coverage.


Also if you have a apex you can get the wireless addaptor and change the programs and flows through out the day. All preprogramed.

I run 4 mp40 in my 300g with apex.

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Judging by the pictures on your other thread, I would put it a little above that birdsnest on the left, in the middle front to back, and turn it to reefcrest and crank it up. you dont have any of those big overflows to get in the way so the water should move great.

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