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Negative feedback


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I was thinking about negative feedback and how we only allow the accuser and the accused to comment. If only one person is allowed to post then the thread will be less Likely to be seen by others. I say this because it will only appear on the home page for a very short time. Just a thought.'

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I was thinking about negative feedback and how we only allow the accuser and the accused to comment. If only one person is allowed to post then the thread will be less Likely to be seen by others. I say this because it will only appear on the home page for a very short time. Just a thought.'


Gill it's the best way IMO. I have struggled with the best way to deal with negative feedback. Some people didn't want it allowed at all but I think when done properly it can be very valuable. with negative feedback if others start chiming in it becomes yet another drama thread and as entertaining as they are the original point is missed and there's just all this negativity. People jumping on for and against the particularly person.


I understand where you are coming from and others who posted on the original thread. I have been guilty of the same and was sooooo tempted to give my two cents.

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I know what you mean it always seems to get out of hand, and quick. I agree with you that negative feedback can be valuable, it would be a shame if it wasn't allowed at all. I just wonder if the current situation isn't flawed. (scratch) I really can't think of a better way to handle it though, I will have to put my thinking cap on for a while.


P.S. Thank you for all the work that you do around hear Kim. :)

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I know what you mean it always seems to get out of hand, and quick. I agree with you that negative feedback can be valuable, it would be a shame if it wasn't allowed at all. I just wonder if the current situation isn't flawed. (scratch) I really can't think of a better way to handle it though, I will have to put my thinking cap on for a while.


P.S. Thank you for all the work that you do around hear Kim. :)


You're welcome Gill. As you know I'm as guilty as anyone posting in negative feedback threads. It's natural to want to defend someone you respect or let people be aware of someone you don't but I think in the end it just turns people off.


Some board members were talking of getting rid of negative feedback because of all the drama it stirred up. However, I thought there should be some kind of balance.


I saw the rules on r2r and they seemed to work well. It's better than reef central that's for sure where if you blast a sponsor you can get banned no questions asked.


If you come up with a better solution I would love to hear about it!

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