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Annoyed! Fine tuning Calcium Reactor.. help!


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We tested the reactor on a garage tank before moving it our main tank last night. In the garage it was working great, I had the effluent water drip perfect, and the bubble perfect too. Moved it to my DT and now it won't work as good!! Effluent drip is great but the gas bubble is pissing me off! I uploaded a video of what it is doing... In the beginning of the video I had the gas off, turned it on and then down to where I would generally keep the count at. Each time now when I get the bubble setting how I want it, it gets small bubbles... it's weird. Look at the video for any questions..




My question is; how the heck do I get it to stop?!?! (flame)


P.s. I apologize, it was uploaded from my phone.

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Is your bottle full?


Also some regulators have 2 valves. I might guess the first one isnt on enough causing the second one to use up the gas behind it too fast and it starves. If you have a valve and then needle valve setup (2 valves) open the main one a little more allowing more pressure to the needle valve for fine tuning

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I think I have the same reactor. I have been running with the small bubbles for a year. If I adjust it up slightly I get normal bubbles, but too much CO2. When I dial it back to the correct effluent, I get micro-bubbles. I eventually gave up and left it this way and been running ever since. Must be due to the design, because I know I don't have any leaks.

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My PM reactor has done that for years, I monitor it with controller but you can get it set and then test the effulent. I did recently take apart the little valve on the bottom and it started working with bubbles instead of fizz

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Not sure if the PM reactor bubble counter you have has a J. Guest connection. These leak if you look at them. You can test this. Also the check valve may be malfunctioning. Do a complete leak down test (see the link I sent ya) Rest assured the bubble count is the trickiest part of a CA reactor set up.


I was pulling in air and tested by unplugging the Co2 inlet at the bubble counter and sealing it with my mouth. Extraneous bubble ended after I tweaked the C02 line.

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