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RO/DI needed in eugene area!


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My 24gpd membrane is old and I need to replace it but money is tight right now. Does anyone in the eugene area have one? I've got corals to trade.... I'm open to trading for a complete ro/di system used as long as it makes clean water. I have access to a TDS meter to check it. Thanks for looking. Tom

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Thanx guys.... I took my boat out today so I didn't see this till now. I'm still hoping someone will have a membrane for me or something.. but I may have to take you up on your offer tomorrow... 15 gallons would be enough for a WC on my 75 gal reef.


Did I mention that I'm a glassblower and have some cool pieces here to trade as well. I'm known as big tom in town and my work can be seen at Midtown amongst other places( you know you've heard of me! heheheee!)


I also have a Top Fathom commercial grade skimmer.... and a coralife CF light fixture(4ft) too... fingers crossed.

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You can call me two. Half of ten' date=' two times two, uno, four times one, three times two, half of dos, twenty four divided by three, the lucky number=?, square root of sixteen, square root of nine=.[/quote']


LOL!! (laugh)(nutty)

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