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My humble 24 gallon Aqua Pod


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Here are some photos of my little 24 gallon tank. This tank had been badly neglected and overrun with hair algae and brown hitchhiker anemonies (I did not realize they where a pest till it was too late). In march decided to get the tank back into shape.

Little by little I have pulled out off the anemonies and hair algae with pliers, replaced my return pump with a MJ-1200, added chemi pure elite, and upped my water change routine which has helped a lot with the algae, plus a large cleanup crew.

I have also added some beautiful (but inexpensive) zoanthid frags and some nice mushrooms thanks to the guys at OIAB.

Still have more work to do on it but it is coming along nicely and the mushrooms and Zoas colonies are starting to spread .

the first pic is what the tank looked like in march the others are from June.

(this is my first post with pics I apologize it they don't show up)






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