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A rbta question


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I have and really like an rbta in my tank and when I got him I shortly there after went and got a matched pair of clown fish (false) that I really loved as well. It wasnt long before everytime I put my hand in the tank the female was biting me to the point where I would jump or move quick out of the way knocking over coral etc it was a real pita.


So I get rid of the clown fish and got some very nice young black and white clowns who immeditely took to my nem and for the first week was fine but then one day again the larger of the two bit me and repeated to bite me even worse than the first set I had. So now their gone too. I am in my tank cleaning etc too much to be worried about a fish biting me and scaring the )*)& out of me. My question is do I just have bad luck or is this the norm type of thing? I love and want clown fish but [language filter] I cant be getting bit all the time.


P.S. I have a 60 gallon tank so its very narrow 15" and the nem is near the front and if I move him he goes right back to that spot so I am in close proximity of the clowns cleaning the tank every three days. Any help or advice would be great.


Thanks in advance



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This is very normal. The clowns are protecting their anemone. Mine do the same thing, I too am very jumpy when she bites, but Kim on the other hand puts her hand in there for fun to get attacked by the clown! So I feel your pain!


If you want clowns to host that anemone that is the price you have to pay.




ps.... or if you want clowns without the biting take the RBTA out, if they don't have anything to host and protect they often wont attack

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Okay well I cant seem to go without them so I guess I will get some long gloves. I mean I know it doesnt hurt but I cant help but not jump, guess I need to be more ninja like haha okay well I will start looking for a nice rare pair of clown fish again and just get some long gloves. Thanks for all your advice.

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I love how protective clowns are of their anemones! You gotta appreciate an animal that can fit in the palm of your hand that is not afraid to fight you and defend it's anemone. To me it seems the black and white females and the maroons are the most aggressive ones. I do find that holding your ground tends to get them to back off a bit.

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I've got a breeding pair of gold stripe maroons and momma is a bad a**, going after me repeatedly. I got tired of it and now use a long piece of clear acrylic about 8" wide, which i stand upright between the anemone and where I'm cleaning. This disorients the clowns and they stay close to the nem. I've found this works well and avoids me being startled and the biting of my hand.


Good luck,



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