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protein skimmer help?


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i have a 55 gal and it isn't set up for a saltwater just yet but i am trying to get the pieces as i can afford them and as i go along. i was wondering if anyone has any luck with these? Coralife Super Skimmer 125 G. or are there any better protein skimmers that won't break the bank. (scratch) it would go in the sump. i am going to start off with softies and anemone's i think but we will be doing zoas in the future.


thanks for your time.


here is the link to the Coralife Super Skimmer 125 G.


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I have heard a lot of bad things about the supper skimmers, I would not get one. I would recommend an eshopps skimmer, I use an eshopps psk 100h on my 55 sps reef and it is a fantastic skimmer. I'll post a link to a thread on reefcentral about eshopps skimmers, so you can see some reviews.


Link to skimmer: http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=20033


Link to thread about skimmer:


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When I was putting together my first 55g set up from scratch, I asked the same question. I probably spent more time and research on comparing skimmers and their reviews than any other single piece of equipment. I made the conclusion that people who own the Coralife skimmers either love them or hate them. Common complaints were the difficulty to tune, and lack of quality in construction. Another consideration is your sump size. If you have a small sump (and most of us with 55 gallon tanks usually do) without an automatic top off system, you'll get plenty of fluctuation of the depth of your skimmer. That fluctuation pretty much equates to a lot of tuning when you do top offs.


The love-hate divide seems pretty 50/50. I eventually settled on an Octopus-110NWB due to the overwhelming amount of positive reviews and reputation of the brand. I have never owned a Coralife Skimmer, but with my experience with the Octopus, I may never own anything but. Fantastic machine; I recommend investing the extra money for quality product that you can rely on. I think you can get the 110NWB for about $160 or so.

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I would consider a Bubble Magus. You can now find the NAC6 for about $150 new or even less for a used one. Great skimmer for the price. I ran one for a year and a half and it was almost keeping up with my 220g prop system.

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