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Sea Dwelling Creatures coupon


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is anyone actually going to use this? After reading the fine print and realizing what a bind it puts the retailer in, I just threw it away. The retailers in my area have always been good to me and I don't want to repay that with making them honor a coupon that they didn't distribute. Anyone else feel this way?


Edit: by the way, no offense to those that did take advantage of a deal.

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Most of the LFS's use Them as wholesaler anyway and they get double the coupon when they honor it. So it's a great deal for everyone! I know Garrett uses them sometimes and I know that Seadwelling is an awesome wholesale company for the hobby. If you don't want to use the deal, kick it down, I will totally take advantage!!



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if the store regularly orders from sdc then I'm sure they wouldnt mind honoring a few of them but, the retailers are only allowed to use 2 coupons per order and they only get the $40 credit for the first two they use after that its $20. But it forces the retailer to buy from sdc, kind of a kidney shot to the retailers (if they dont already order from them) to boost sales for the wholesaler.

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