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Post up what you got from the meeting!!!


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Everybody that got stuff from the meeting, you should post up what you got. Especially pictures of those frags all colored up. I'll post pictures tomorrow when the lights are on, but here's what I left with.


- 2 Marineland cord organizers

- A hand full of different sample foods

- A San Fransisco Bay brine shrimp shirt.

- An Acan from OIAB

- And a small colony of what I'm pretty sure is a stylophora, it's got bright green polyps!



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Beth and I scored:

cord organizers for future TFT build

Lots of fish food again will be donating much of this to the Pioneer school and any other teachers

Michael also gave me several skimmers donated for tanks for teacher


For Beth

50 dollar gift cert at The Premium Aquarium already spent! cha ching!

75 dollar to fantastik frags gift certificate

25 for All for fish

bucket of Kent salt (don't know who donated this but thanks)

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I came away with he cord organizers as well, a ton of fish food, the fish store 20$ certificates, gravel vac from the free table ( thanks to whoever put that there) a couple hard corals that will need to be identified ( no color yet, pictures to come) and an acan from OIAB that I'm very excited about, thanks to everyone especially the hosts and sponsors this was my first meeting and I was very impressed I had a great time.

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Beth and I scored:

cord organizers for future TFT build

Lots of fish food again will be donating much of this to the Pioneer school and any other teachers

Michael also gave me several skimmers donated for tanks for teacher


For Beth

50 dollar gift cert at The Premium Aquarium already spent! cha ching!

75 dollar to fantastik frags gift certificate

25 for All for fish

bucket of Kent salt (don't know who donated this but thanks)


There should be some kind of a sticker on top of that bucket of salt. ;)

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Thank you Doug for everything you did for us!

Thanks to the sponsors who donated in these rough economic times!

I received:

Instant ocean gel food

Marineland cord organizer

Roods food package

Bulk reef supply bio pellets

CoralRx single dose

(freebie table)

Ehiem auto feeder

Foam backer board

Two lab grade super white 250w bulbs

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I was able to win one of the $50 credits to the premium aquarium (already spent as well thanks garrett). Although I do feel bad that I had a hitch hiker on that rock. The blenny seems to be happy in the tank but I probably would have done more of an acclimation if I had known I was getting a fish too..lol


Also my son won the bucket of salt at eds reef so I will be out that way in the near future as well.


Thanks again to all the sponsors and of course doug for making this possible!


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

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