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What are these little green things???


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I noticed one of these growing next to one of my ricordias about a week ago. I figured it was just another ricordia. Tonight I noticed another one growing in an entirely different part of my tank, so I started searching every square inch of rock to find on more in about two feet away from the second one. Three total as far as I know. The biggest one is about 3/8" across, the others are only about 1/4" across. They remind me of a baby torch or hammer, but I know thats not it... Any ideas???



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Its an LPS and when it melts it releases spores i think is how it goes I have one that died about 5 months ago and now new heads are starting to grow again now that I uncovered the rock that it was on and its in the light again they are weird.

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Don't you love freebies?


what kind? mantis? AEFW? red bugs? coral eating crab? flatworms? asternia stars? haha Ill stick with what I payed for 90% of the time...


I remember a friend bought a piece of LR from a LFS and put it in his nano, we go to lunch, come back, and there is a 4 inch+ niger trigger swimming around...odd freebie

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  • 3 months later...

I've got about 15-20 of these things! Once they grow up a bit, I'm gonna have a "super cheap torch sale"! The coolest part (that you cant see in the picture) is that these torches are super neon green with very bright purple tips. Some of the nicest looking colors on a torch that I've seen! They're spreading faster than xenia lol. If you look closely there is another one poking out from under the zoas to the left.

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