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The lesser of two evils...


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You should consider getting a used one. I just sold a bubblemax 2500 for 50 dollars because it was not enough for my tank. Personally one thing I have learned is to try to go with the best quality you can afford. When you consider how much corals can cost and the price of losing them when you don't have the right equipment. One caveat though is often with used equipment people are getting rid of it for a reason. I have also bought used equipment trying to save money and ended up spending more because it didn't work well. If you buy new for things many stores will have warranties and work with you.

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Of the two I recommended my choice but what Kim said is true. If you can afford it or save up for a better skimmer then I would. This hobby is expensive, but its a whole lot cheaper if you only have to by good equipment once. I have been through several skimmers until I finally realized how much money I was wasting and just bought the best I could afford.

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Ok all that being said, what would you recommend for a 50g / 10g sump that I want to put in the sump to run?? I will not be upgrading size of tank at all in the near or distant future, I have maxxed what my apartment allows LOL.


plan is fish & soft corals.

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In all honesty I can get what I need if I really need it budget wise, however with upsizing the tank and renewing my Greencard this month I am trying to limit my cash outflow LOL. Ahhhh Barrier Reef, that is actually a great idea. I love that place and the people who work there. I may wait until Customer Apprecation day sale (i have have private time on the 13th), and get a skimmer then. For now I set up the BakPak on the outside of the sump and it is doing fine in the new tank...so far...I put a piece of fibre on the outflow as it is the old style one that is just like a waterfall to reduce sound and splash.

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