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Moving day tomorrow!!


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Okay so tomorrw I am moving over into the 50g acrylic that has about a 10 g sump. I have had it up and running with some sand,rock, heat, etc for a few weeks and it looks like we are ready to move livestock tomorrow.


Any suggestions of mixing the water from the 2 tanks? or words of wisdom on moving into the bigger tank?


I have about 10g of water mixing and heating overnight.


Unfortunatley the new tank is to go exactly where the old tank was, so the plan is to empty water from the old tank into buckets until we are able to slide the stand and tank along the wall a few feet, then dump enough water from the new tank to move it into place.


I was then planning to use the old tank water to mix in with the new, kinda help acclimate stuff.




Here are the stats on the new tank build.


50g acrylic with corner overflow/Durso standpipe

Lighting from 30" T5 HO total 4 x 24w ( 2 daylight/ 2 actinic) 4 moonlight LED ( I think I want to add a few more of these eventually)


10g sump that was a wet/dry so I am draining into a filter sock in first section.

2nd section has Seaclone 100 skimmer

150w heater

Rio 2100 Return with about a 2.5 ft head.


Everything has been running like a charm and wow is it so much quieter with the internal overflow and without the BakPak skimmer.


I have some Chemi-Pure Elite hanging in the sump just to quard against anything untoward, think of it as a talisman.


Pics will be forthcoming when I get all set up and get the living room finally cleaned up.


Can't wait to meet Kimberlee on Monday in Portland, she has a bag of goodies for me!!

Makes the drive and a day of mndless meetings worthwhile!!

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Unfortunatley the new tank is to go exactly where the old tank was, so the plan is to empty water from the old tank into buckets until we are able to slide the stand and tank along the wall a few feet, then dump enough water from the new tank to move it into place.


Just a thoght,


If you place the new tank nearby and pump the water to it. move the old tank next to the old one pump the water back into the old tank and move the new tank and stand and fill. and place the sand and rock into the buckets. Then you could make the move and not risk the seams of the tank with extra weight.

a few extra steps and time.

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Having a large rubbermaid type bucket is always great and an extra pump-awesome for mixing water when doing changes-


I have 1 I use and a 4-wheel dolly + the extra 600GPH pump-drain the water into the rubbermaid, wheel it over and pump it into the new tank-


if you dont have that gear, a hose and bucket, syphon, dump, syphon dump.


Save as much water from the old setup as possible it will really help in the long run

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The move has gone well except for the small RBTA that I probably should not have yet anyway...he was given to me....by an unknowing relative as a gift who saw him on CL. He is hiding until the bottom rock in a cave. He was not looking to hot before the move. I did not feel my tank was mature enough for him to start with. He was eating ok and such but was rarely puffed up. I can barely see him but his is deflated but appears to still have his foot anchored.


The Kenya tree that I put in on Monday that Kimberlee gave me is limp but he will perk up. Everything else looks good. I just ordered some plumbing supplies and I am planning to do a large spray bar that goes from the bottom of the left side of the tank, up the corner across the top and down the other corner. I want to improve flow without having all these powerheads in view.

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  • 2 months later...

50g Tank update


Well it has been a while since I got everything situated in the 50g Aquaview tank. Thought I would post an updated picture.


Things are doing well, the neme (that hunk of calamari on the rock on the left) finally died...sigh. I will not be replacing it.


Thinking of getting rid of the chromis' to reduce the bioload...I of course made the noob mistake of overstocking so I am chasing nitrates.... All of the other softies and zoas are growing well and seem to be thriving. I love the ricordias the most, but the plate coral is awesome too.


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