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Why wont my monti cap grow?


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I have had some orange monti cap since january and it has not grown at all. My cali tort, green tort, green bird nest, pink bird nest, green slimer, blue stag and derasa clam have all grown a ton. Why can I not get the monti cap to grow? My nitrates are 0, phosphates are 0, calcium is 480, dkh is 9 and ph is 8.3.


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I have one that grows like a weed & another that grows so amazingly slow' date=' all depends on the animal I guess.[/quote']


So if I get a frag of someones fast growing monti do you think it will be a fast grower in my tank?


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Not necessarily...the chemicals being released from your fast growers may inhibit monti cap growth...flow, light, placement, feeding all play a role. My guess would be it doesn't like its spot and may grow better elsewhere in the tank.



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I hear ya Gill. I have an AOG look-a-like that I bought over 2 years ago. The day I got it I split it into 3 frags and I have yet to see a new polyp on ANY of the frags (although a "bump" has been sighted for the first time recently). They are each in different spots in the tank too from low to high.


Guess some are just duds:p

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I'd leave it alone, if its grown onto the rock its growing!. I have a piece given to me that was very slow and a dark color, after the tank move and into the new tank its really taken off and is now a bright purple, sometimes it takes a while (months) to settle in and then they take off!

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