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asexual shrimp?


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Could be mysids. Not the type we feed frozen, there are small ones that are mostly nocturnal, but look similar. They tend to congregate in shade during the day, will swim in a swarm trying to not touch eachother, the light or the substrate, like they are mimes in a box. So I see them in caves, under shells, in filters, in powerheads even, and tons in refugiums under any little bit of shade. They are hard to grow on purpose as they are cannibals but you don't really need to work on them in the tank, they scavenge food at night. I have seen them eat cyclopeeze in refugiums, which is neat because you can see the bright orange in them.

Baby peppermint shrimp I have seen, they don't really swim. They sort of drift and are fragile and ungainly. Long drooping appendages. I believe the cleaner babies are similar. They tend to get snapped up by hungry fish and have neither the sense nor ability to avoid pumps, so they don't last long unless given a special nursery tank. Cleaners and peppermints are hermaphrodites, so any 2 will do...and one can have eggs on the underside of it's tail when you buy it so you could get their babies that way. But I don't know if they can self fertilize, I don't think that is possible. Very few animals can.

That is my guess.


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