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Thanks Newfisher! Thanks Garrett! Thanks Tim!


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Back in February we dropped off our generator at Garrett's for Newfisher to pick up to fix. For those who don't know Jon is very skilled in all things mechanical! He only charged us for parts! Thanks Garrett for letting your place serve as a depot! This will come in handy for camping as well as in an emergency power outage!(rock2)(rock2)


Of course you can't go to Garrett's without picking up a few things. One of the Mono fish died in the Pioneer school(sad) and Beth and I thought the right side of the tank could use a little more coral. Garrett sold us the items for the Pioneer school at cost! Super nice guy. Next weekend we go up there we will let the Portland people know in case they want to hitch a ride! He is definitely worth the trip. Thanks again Garrett for all your support of Tanks for teachers!


The kids are gonna love the coral beauty! The flame fairy wrasse is also from Garrett but we're keeping that!(clap)




We will be adding a few more snails to the Pioneer school. These zebra snails do a great job cleaning. Some are for our frag tank




This Coco worm will add a little more color to the right side of the tank. I think they will love this




Then we went to Tim at Westside to see the shipment he got in. He got a beautiful monti and the strawberry shortcakes are in.2 nice big colonies. I can't wait until they are ready to go! We picked up this beautiful Garf Bonsai.(drooler)(drooler) Remeber this is freshly fragged and stressed and it still has great color! Thanks Tim you are also well worth the trip






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