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Box(es) Of Crap Sale!!!!!


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UPDATE: $40 for everything. I am tired of staring at it along with the rest of the crap in the garage

Ok, I am cleaning out the garage, and that means I have some stuff I want to get rid of, quick! I am not going through these boxes to list stuff individually, so what you get will be somewhat of a mystery! woo! Definitely a great way to part stuff out and resell it if you have the time and desire, I just do not have either.


As for meeting up, I am here in Salem, about a mile from Garretts place (the Premium Aquarium). Also if you get to me in time, I will be at Big Al's in Beaverton tomorrow (Saturday) for the Blazer game (starts at 2:00), and can meet up there if you want.


I will give a brief description of what I see in the box, but I have not gone through these boxes in probably a couple years.


First off is a 10 gal tank. Not much to say about it really, no cracks. Seen on the left below - $4





Next is what we will call the 'blue bucket'. It has a bunch of really nice lamotte test kits(I think 5 total separate kits), most have had very little use if any. Also in the tub is some type of skilter or filter device. And there is a pump, most of a RO unit, and some other misc crap. - $40







And last but not least we have what will be called the 'Skimmer Tub'. Why you ask? Because it has two protein skimmers. Also what looks to be a kent kalk dripper, little pump, and yes some more miscellaneous crap. -$30




Here is a picture of all this crap in its glory again. And a recap...

10g tank- $4

Blue Bucket -$40

Cardboard Box- $SOLD

Skimmer Tub- $30





If you feel anything is overpriced, make an offer. If you want to take on ALL of this crap...you can have everything for $80! Take it out, clean it up, sell it, light it on fire and chant around a burning pile of it for all I care, I just want it gone:D

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Boxes of crap?(scratch) Wow Jay you must have been a marketing major!(laugh)


Major accolades and props to you for calling crap, "crap".


I have had a few instances where people have convenient not mentioned certain things about the condition of items. Crap has a fresh aroma to it, now!


Hey is the pump looking thing in the blue bin a Pos T Vac. Clay has been looking for one of those used !

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