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Powermodule vs Tek Elite


Powermodule vs Tek Elite  

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    • ATI Powermodule, its German so its cool
    • TEK Elite, God Belss America

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Ok so the time has come to get a new light fixture (clap). I currently have a 4 bulb tek light, its great but could be better. I have been looking into the ATI Powermodule and the TEK Elite fixtures.


At a glance they are pretty much the same thing, fancy european reflectors, fans, nice sleek design, and they both include a splash guard, and both have multiple power cords for independant controll of sets of bulbs making neato dawn/dusk features possible.


The only real difference that I have noticed is that one is made 50 miles from here and the other comes from across the globe, and the $150 price difference.


So a little advice and insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I have been having fairly good luck with my sps and lps for the last few months, I started taking better care of my tank and got some better filtration. I may upgrade to a 6 bulb though, still havent quite decided yet. Price will have the biggest impact on that.


Heres some links to the specific lights I am looking at.





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I'm in the process of upgrading my tank and I might be selling my 48 ATI Powermodule 6x54w.

I'm thinking about going with t5 + led spotlights for the new tank.

Still torn about how to do it, so my 48 ATI could be on the market.

I never tried the new Tek. The old one wasn't an impressive fixture. For sure go with ati bulbs.

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The difference in sunpower vs powermodule is the build quality and another fan in the powermodule line/ ie the sunpower will have 2 fans, the powermodule will usually have 3/4. The tests in light output on them show VERY little difference in light output, maybe a 5% increase from the powermodules, not worth it IMO. The powermodule is built like a tank.... the sunpower I would compare to a Hum V ;)


The sunpower line used to only go up to 6 bulbs, so the powermodule line was necessary for those who needed 8 or 10 bulb setups, now they have released the 8 bulb sunpower line so the powermodule is really only needed for 10 bulb setups.

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The difference in sunpower vs powermodule is the build quality and another fan in the powermodule line/ ie the sunpower will have 2 fans, the powermodule will usually have 3/4. The tests in light output on them show VERY little difference in light output, maybe a 5% increase from the powermodules, not worth it IMO. The powermodule is built like a tank.... the sunpower I would compare to a Hum V ;)


The sunpower line used to only go up to 6 bulbs, so the powermodule line was necessary for those who needed 8 or 10 bulb setups, now they have released the 8 bulb sunpower line so the powermodule is really only needed for 10 bulb setups.


Like mike said, there is very little difference between the two light output wise.


We got the power module for the length and the bulb count. The sun power would have been fine but not available in the size we needed for the 150



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As said the output difference is so little that you can consider it as the same light.

The only difference is that the Sunpower is a nice fixture (speaking of aesthetics) while the Powermodule is more like a design object.

You decide depending on your needs. I went for the Powermodule, but I'm an euro arty-farty metrosexual kind of guy

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ATI is far superior over Teklights. Better reflectors, better construction, and better ballasts. There is a price difference though. It really depends on what you can afford. If ya got the money you will be more than happy with an ATI fixture.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Ok, I am ordering my 6 bulb sunpower fixture today and now have a question about bulb combo's. I know this has been explained to extreme lengths befor and I have done some research. I just wanted to get an opinion on what I have decided on. I was thinking

Front of tank

ATI Blue Plus

ATI Aquablue Special

ATI True Actinic

ATI Purple Plus

ATI Aquablue Special

ATI Blue Plus

Back of tank


I have been debating on wether I should swap out one of the Aquablue Specials with another Blue Plus. A lot of the stuff that I have read says that the Blue Plus has a nice blue hue to it ans throws out a lot of light at the same time. But I kinda like the nice crisp look of the Aquablue Special. Anyone else with a similar fixture have any input?

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I run a 6 bulb sunpower fixture


Blue +

blue +

Fiji Purple

Fiji new gen

Blue +

blue +


This is more of a 18-20k look to it. I would swap out your true actinic, no real need for them with these T5s as the blue + does almost the same thing and puts out a TON of par. With 2 aquablue specials (very similar to the KZ new gen in my setup) you will get a good 14K or so color.

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