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A big Thanks to JK47 and a few pics of his tanks


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Just thought I would throw a big thanks out to JK47. He had some aragonite sand/gravel from a tank purchase that he threw up on the forum yesterday that he was giving away. It's an excellent example of the Freshwater and Saltwater guys working together. When I was over there I took an opportunity to get a few pictures of his freshwater tanks. I could see at least four that were set up. He is actually a hobby breeder trying to keep the rare fish in the hobby which Matt discussed at the meeting yesterday. He did list off the names of these fish while he was showing them to me (sometimes using the scientific names) so it's obvious he knows his stuff. I'm not even going to try to repeat them though. (I think a few were Cichlids but I'm not certain)





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Thanks for the compliment Rick! Always nice to meet other hobbiests no matter what the salinity lol! I work with FW Central and South American cichlids for the most part. The salamander looking guy is an Axolotl. Awesome creature (native to Mexico City drainage canals), cold water and an air breather. I know I don't have many posts here but here is a little bio so you guys kniow who your talking to: I have 4 tanks: 300g, 120g, 120, 10g Here is my current stocklist I am working with:


Axolotl sp.

Ancistrus sp.

Heros sp. 'rotkeil'

Satanoperca mapiritensis (very rare)

ex 'Cichlasoma' cf. ornatum

ex 'Cichlasoma' festae

Nandopsis tetracanthus

Paratheraps zonatus


A number of smaller species as well..

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