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Nice surprise


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So after the meeting today we ran to grab what we thought was a chainlink eel for free from someone who needed to find it a new home. Well after getting home and getting the poor thing out of the bucket I found out what I really got was a 2 foot zebra moray eel. Put him in the tank with my my 1 foot yellow head moray eel and they cuddled up into the same hiding hole in the tank. Here is a picture. Not great but hes still trying to figure out his new home.


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I'm going to have to upgrade my tank just so I can have more eels pretty soon. They are probably one of my favorites besides the lions. I have both fresh and saltwater eels. Theres something about a eel that amazes me. I really like my reef tank but I spend alot of time watching the eels when they are out.

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Heather you should check out the golden dwarf eel that Eddie has at Ed's reef. I know they are quite a bit more expensive but a really nice eel. I wish Beth liked eels!

Thats the good thing about Mike. Besides the niger trigger the aggressive tank is mine to stock. Mike is actually the one who has found all the eels we own. Hes the one who found the zebra and made all the arrangements to pick it up. The yellow head moray we have he found at Nicks and that is one really amazing eel to watch when its feeding time. He actually makes me think twice before I stick my hands in the tank. The lions are puppies compared to that eel. But he has the most amazing personality.

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I might have been able to talk her into getting the golden drawf eel but I would be afraid it would crawl out of the tank. I was shocked she let me get a snowflake eel but it was tiny and cute and fortunately for me Beth doesn't think about how much they grow. They do have great personalities. You should think about getting a mantis shrimp. They are very cool too. Beth actually loves that thing.

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My first eel jumped out of the tank. I had a family member make me a full screen top after that. Left a small hole for feeding and I cover that up every night. They do get big. If we get the third one then I will have 2 that will get around 6foot long. Definately will have to go bigger for my tank. Thats just going to break my heart.(laugh) Would love to upgrade their tank to a 500 and upgrade the reef to a 210 or bigger. I might have to build a bigger house for that though. lol

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