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somethings wrong with my Kole tang


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So not really sure whats up. I have had this tang for over 2 years, always been fat and happy. The last month it is almost bleach white, cheeks are sucked in and its body is really thin. Shows no signs of ich or anything, just looks to be sickly. Still eats nori, picks at algae on everything. Feeds when I feed the rest of the fish.


just curious if there is anything I could try. I use garlic most the time. Anything else?

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do you do water changes often? this is a shot in the dark but it could be trace elements... or parasites? if the fish is getting thin and it still eats as usual, it could be worms etc.

hlle looks chunks of flesh missing, usually caused by stray voltage and stress. the only way to fix that is to let it heal over time. vitamin c helps too. post a pic!

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Well as far as water changes, yeah I have started doing more regular changes, got behind a bit and paid for it with most my sps. I just got done taking a good look at him and it looks like someone is picking on him. His tail is good and chewed up. I have 3 other tangs in there. He was normally the bully though of the 4. All though maybe turn about is fair play. Does not look like any disease, just looks thin and malnurished.


Ill try and get a pic and post it.

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this is a long shot, but when it comes to not knowing what is going on with a fish, if you can isolate it, it is the best. if you have an extra ten or twenty gallon tank, and you can catch him, and just let him hangout in the tank for a week or two, that would be good. then you will know for sure if the problem is internal or external.

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No luck catching him. Found him almost completly munched on by crabs this morning. What a bummer, one of my oldest fish and been in my 180 since it was set up. 2 years this next month. Thanks for all the advice folks.


Here it is swimming with the group a while back


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