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DSLR Questions???


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Alright so we really need a digital camera so we can start taking pictures of the kids again other than on our cell phones. I don't see a reason to keep buying $250-$300 cameras and have them not work after a couple of years. So were looking at getting a DSLR. We stopped in at Costco and saw a Nikon D5000 kit with two lenses bag and everything for $699. Looks like it was a good deal for a starter DSLR. Anyone else have any recomendations? Nikon's are good from what I've heard, should I also consider Cannon?


Were heading out to the coast today and if they've got any good deals on Camera's at the outlet mall we might consider buying one. I will check this thread all morning so feed me your knowledge.


Oh and price wise I'm thinking right inline within the $700 range. Unless we can get something that is 100 times better for a little more.


Thanks in advance!

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I have been doing the same research myself...canon vs nikon is like ford vs chevy. You may find die-hard users of each but both are good. I actually check craigslist, there are always package deals, trust me, flashes tripods, cases add up. I like to find someone that already spent that fortune and wants a little back haha!


Honestly you cant go wrong with either. Acuraguy55, Jason, was explaining to me a few differences (he has both) and said they are really similar but the feeling in the hand is the main difference, so go with what is comfortable. Just use judgement and don't rush it. GOOD LUCK! POST SOME PICS haha!

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I have been doing the same research myself...canon vs nikon is like ford vs chevy. You may find die-hard users of each but both are good. I actually check craigslist, there are always package deals, trust me, flashes tripods, cases add up. I like to find someone that already spent that fortune and wants a little back haha!


Honestly you cant go wrong with either. Acuraguy55, Jason, was explaining to me a few differences (he has both) and said they are really similar but the feeling in the hand is the main difference, so go with what is comfortable. Just use judgement and don't rush it. GOOD LUCK! POST SOME PICS haha!


Well hopefully they will finally be some good pictures too...(laugh)

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Both of the lenses are very sharp lenses for the price (if they are Nikon). You would get 2 , $200 lenses so the body would cost $300. A pretty good deal. This would give you all you need. You could spend another $400-$1,000 and gain only 1/2 of 1% and you would likely never notice it. This Canon vs Nikon is a bunch of crap. Bad photographers talk camera models and features. The main thing is to enjoy taking photos of things you like, period!

I would get a couple of nuetral filters to protect the lenses and a cheap diopter set for close-ups of your tank and shoot your heart out!

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I just bought the new Canon 60D. IMO this is a sweet camera. The articulated screen is a must for any kind of macro shots or if you put the camera in awkward positions. Plus it does 1080p video. The Canon T2i is very good as well and less money. It all comes down to how it feels in your hand

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Almost all the camera reviews are done by people that take bad shots. I am just tired of of photography that focuses on the nerdiness of photo equipment. The photos look like a thousand other pictures that have been done before! Let the art of photography speak for itself. We already have cell phones, laptops, and reef controllers that we can nerd out on. Just getting a "better" camera is not going to make "better" photos. If you are serious, take some composition classes. Read what they say about composition in photo books and then realize how to break those rules. Don't go out and spend another $1,000 on another camera/lens and argue about the features. That is just a being a dilettante.

I respect photos of family and reef shots. Casual shots are the best but the endless patter about the best photo equipment is just pain silly.


Take shots of your tank and your family and have fun. Good enough is good enough for the internet, elargements, etc, and enjoy it!


And rush out and buy the Nikon and refrain from endless discussion of features.

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Once you learn to use them you will probably be happy with either a Nikon or a Canon (Or several others as well). As Algae has indicated the camera isn't as important as the person standing behind the camera. A great photographer can take a great picture with almost any camera while a great camera will never take a great picture (other than by chance) with poor (or lacking) photography skills. I personally use Canon myself primarily because they were early to the game several years ago with an affordable DSLR. Keep that in mind. (I.E. Once you choose one or the other you will likely stick with that for a long time rather than start all over again) If you decide to look at the Canon cameras let me know and I can make some suggestions as that is what I use. I currently have both a T2i and a 60d which are both nice cameras. (Both are capable of almost identical pictures)

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I have shot with both and by no means am I an expert. I just like the feel of my Nikon in my hands. I think they are both awesome and I think that the deal at Costco seems reall reasonable. I have both of those lenses and they are pretty much all I ever used. I would also look into getting a nice macro lens since you will probably want to take some decent pics of the tanks. Franklin is pretty much dead on. It really doesn't matter which you get, so maybe try and get the best bang for the buck.

I would also be cautious when it comes to purchaseing kits on Craigslist. The inner workings of both the lenses and camera bodies could be messed up or the number of pics that the body has taken could be incredibly high which means the inner workings are well used. I had a friend buy a really nice camera on ebay only to find out that the shutter was very worn and a few other internals needed servicing. By the time he was done with that he had a nice used camera for the price of a new one.

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Unless I personally knew the seller I would never buy a camera used unless it had a good return policy - that goes for lens also.


It's true that what's behind the lens makes more of a difference than the camera itself up to a point. There are just some things a small point and shoot can't do that a DSLR can no matter who is shooting. It's fine to geek out on the features but do NOT expect those features to produce spectacular looking pics by themselves.


I will add that DSLRs tend to hold their value more at the higher end and if you get into photography in ernest you will spend multiples on your glass collection compared to the cost of a body.

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I'm with garett on this one. I also have both canon and nikon and prefer my nikon over the canon. A good macro lense will probably be in your future as well ;) The joys of going DSLR are almost as addicting and as expensive as this reef hobby we so enjoy.

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Looking now at the d3100. And thanks for suggesting pro photo supply rick. Prices are much better there.


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I too was having a hard time choosing between d5000 and d3100. Rumor is d5000 is going to be gone soon. The d3100 is actually a better camera. Newer technology and has full 1080p hd video. Same price too! That's what I chose for the wife and she loves it. At the shutterbug you get the kit plus tripod for $699.

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First picture with the new camera. I know it's not a tank shot but the lights are out and I have no idea how to use this thing yet. But looking at how good it makes max look I think this will be a great camera!!


Thanks to all for the input. I decided to go with the D3100. I didn't want to spend a ton of money but wanted a good deal overall. A huge Thanks goes to Rick as he called me twice and spent quite a bit of time recommending different things and offered up some pretty sweet tips. Now I just need to start putting them to work.



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First picture with the new camera. I know it's not a tank shot but the lights are out and I have no idea how to use this thing yet. But looking at how good it makes max look I think this will be a great camera!!


Thanks to all for the input. I decided to go with the D3100. I didn't want to spend a ton of money but wanted a good deal overall. A huge Thanks goes to Rick as he called me twice and spent quite a bit of time recommending different things and offered up some pretty sweet tips. Now I just need to start putting them to work.




Nice pic of a dogfish

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I do not think that Canon vs. Nikon is a way to look at this. Both make very good DSLRs at many levels of photography, but the thing I will add is that the picture quality with the lowest level camera with a 1.4 or a 2.8 lens is better than a high level camera with a 3.5- 5.6 lens. It's all about the lens on your camera and what you are using that lens to shoot.

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One critical problem I see with canon is they sell kits with EF-s lenses. The -s means "shortback". They only will work with shortback compatible bodies, and it is likely future sensor sizes will cause them to not make shortback bodies even for the cheap consumer grade lines.

On the plus side they don't depreciate too bad so you can sell your kit and buy a new one.

I've not owned Nikon yet, but my friends who use them say they use old lenses, things they got used here and there, and they say they are fully compatible. My dad's old Canon AE-1 lenses cannot be used even with an adapter.

I have a Canon EOS 50D. It's pretty good, but it cannot take pics of a blue tang, they come out purple. I am hoping the next body I get will have this fixed. I have shot with 2 other brands of digital side by side with the Canon and they have no problem giving accurate color.



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