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Skimmer pump broke, recommendations?


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Bwahahahahaha. Good stuff.



Not sure what happened to the photos, but without them I think I like the thread more.

I'd just like to spice up the page a bit by adding a naked picture of myself, keep in mind this was during my "awkward" time:











I knew you'd like it.


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Had that happen to the elbow on my octo skimmer, right where the pipe goes into the elbow below that black nut. I used PVC glue to fix it. But it never really ran the same after, so i replaced it entirely with a large PVC elbow that went over the male union connected to the skimmer body(wrapped the male union threads with teflon tape to make a snug fit), and a reducing bushing that went over the outlet on the pump. Of course that would not work unless this is an in-sump skimmer.


Is this a recirc skimmer?

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yes, this is a recirc skimmer.


I actually tried to increase the air flow that was being pulled into the skimmer by drilling the hole deeper where the airline tube goes in...apparently drilling it all the way through does not work...


Miles, by adding that regular elbow, how would I add an air intake? It seems like a hole in the elbow makes the pump useless...

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I think it would be an easy fix especially if this is in your sump and not external.


If that were mine i would replace the whole elbow with a new larger PVC one, and use the teflon tape like I did to make the connections nice and snug. Drill a new hole for the venturi as close to the volute as possible, this will maximize air intake. Use 1/4 nylon barb fitting for the venturi - larger the better since you can always adjust it smaller until you hit the sweet spot. Make sure the barb fitting goes into the new elbow 1/2 way, and you can cut the tip at an angle to help the airflow. Make the cut side face the pump.


I wish i had taken pics before i sold it....


I hope that makes sense, let me know if I have confused you.

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What do you mean when you say, "Use 1/4 nylon barb fitting for the venturi - larger the better since you can always adjust it smaller until you hit the sweet spot."


How can I adjust it smaller?


Also, if you use a regular PVC 90, wont it be very difficult to get the elbow to align perfectly straight? Or, is that why you use alot of teflon?


Thanks alot by the way!

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Just use something to cover the hole at the other end of the airline a little if you need to like some tape, or squeeze the tubing a bit with a clamp. You could also stuff some cotton in there to restrict the flow a bit, or tissue. You could also use a valve. I've always run my skimmers with the air wide open, but some people tweak the airflow.


Your best bet is to take that original elbow with you to the hardware store and get one that will match. On my skimmer a 1.5" PVC elbow matched up perfectly to the original, it was just bigger. You'll notice on your original elbow that there are 2 small pieces of pipe glued into each end, then those nuts. Well a larger PVC elbow should match up on both ends to that if you compare the 2 side by side. The teflon tape is to make the PVC elbow snug when you push it over the male union threads and to eliminate any water/air loss. And since its a bit larger it will allow some give so you can still mount the pump like normal (just using a new elbow)

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