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I shouldn't be allow to have nice things


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Just got a PFO 250w halide set up for Ethan, and whilst playing with it the bulb got splashed, half a second later. *POP* DOH! (clap)

Oh, well. This gives me a good reason to replace the bulb anyways.


So, I'm looking for 250w bulbs preferably 10-15,000K with a couple of months left on them. I've got a HQI 14k on one of my tanks and I like it but I've never seen what anything else looks like over my tanks so I'd like to get a couple of different color temps. PM me with what you've got.

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I have a free Helios 250 watt mogul bulb. They were pretty unreliable with their production quality but when they were on they were great, and but this particular bulb is a good one. It has probably 6 months on it. You mention your other light is HQI, but not if this one is. If you can't use it and someone else notices your thread who can, PM me. I use T5HO these days. I am guessing it would be pretty cheap to mail, I am in SE Portland.



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