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Spreading the word about PNWMAS


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So I was just thinking, if we want to reach out and grab some new members, could we get some flyers or something made that we can leave at all of the LFS's (at least the sponsored ones anyways) for customers to take home? I know that when I first started 6 months ago, I had no idea this site existed and the only sites the LFS(SWF) told me about were ReefCentral and Bluezooaquatics. I had to make a post on RC to see if there was a local forum and then I was told about this site. I think that especially for folks that are brand new to saltwater, this site is infinately valuable. Even for people that have been around a while, there is always something to learn about in this hobby. It is also pretty cool belonging to a "club". Has anyone here tried doing something like this before? Good idea? Bad idea?

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If you can email a proof of the flyers you would like to print, I will donate the printing including TFT flyers. Let me know where you want the box of them shipped, and I will donate the shipping also. PM me for the email address. We also have a LOCAL buisness card supplier with top quality products at competitive internet prices. I can help with this too if the MOD's are interested.

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Every time I hear someone asking about saltwater fish at Petsmart I always tell them about PNWMAS, after the employees are done making a fool of themselves that is. I'm not sure if any of them have joined but I know people have a hard time getting the name right most of the time. Cards or fliers or something would definitely help people remember.

*edit* Maybe design more varieties of bumper stickers too. I'd put one of each on my cello case!

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I think it's a great idea to try and reach out to people and let them know we are here. Here is a poster for an event I sponsored on behalf of the club. On-line it looks small but on the poster you can read it. :)

I think it would be cool to do a found raiser and get an ad it a coral/fish magazine.

Anyone do graphic design/willing/know how to make a ad?

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If you can email a proof of the flyers you would like to print' date=' I will donate the printing including TFT flyers. Let me know where you want the box of them shipped, and I will donate the shipping also. PM me for the email address. We also have a LOCAL buisness card supplier with top quality products at competitive internet prices. I can help with this too if the MOD's are interested.[/quote']


Very generous of you Jon! I like the idea of business cards as admittedly the name pnwmas is not easy to find sometimes.


I think it's a great idea to try and reach out to people and let them know we are here. Here is a poster for an event I sponsored on behalf of the club. On-line it looks small but on the poster you can read it. :)

I think it would be cool to do a found raiser and get an ad it a coral/fish magazine.

Anyone do graphic design/willing/know how to make a ad?


+1 any graphic design people willing to help out?

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