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coral movers?


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Gotcha thinking didnt I?


Anyway, so does anyone else have mysterious coral movers? By that I mean a fish or something that likes to move your frags around the tank?


Some fish, or something has a thing for my frags. I find my frags moved all around the tank. In paticular I have a little milli frag that someone or something hates or loves. anywhere I put it, shortly there after it is gone and somewhere else. Today this frag got moved from one end to the other of my 6 foot tank. I brought home a couple little frags today from seahorse and saw that my milli had got moved to the sand again. Left it alone and went out for date night with the wife only to come home and find that 2 of the 3 frags I got today spread out around the tank and the little milli another 2 feet from where it was before. Im bought tempted to get a nanni cam and find out who the culprit is.


I had a little frag of orange bammer zoas that totally dissapeared after something decided they needed to move them daily.


Anyone else got this problem?

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I have a pistol shrimp that loves to steal frags. bastardia.


I can see down into his little lair..inside he has a nice pink ricordia and multiple frag plugs. The ricordia seems fine, I'm thinking he took it for interior decoration.


Some big mouth blennies have been filmed moving small pieces of rubble and rock...got any of those?

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LOL I laugh because I have a very childish giant blue hippo tang that if I dont pay enough atention to he will pick up a frag/helpless crab or snail or whatever else he fancys and swim across the tank and spit it at the sides of the tank. So funny to see. We will be sitting on the coutch and out of the corner of our eyes we will see him through a fit. lol Poor crabs, hel just snatch one off a rock and give it a ride. :)

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I have a big hippo that can be a pain, also have a pretty fat LMB. No wrasses.

4 tangs

4 clowns

2 blue throat triggers

daimond gobie

lawn mower blenny


lots of hermits


No clue, but someone likes to take my frags for a ride. might have to set up the video camera.

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