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Hey I was thinking of orginizing a group buy for this chalice. We would need about 10 people to make it worth it. As it stands each person would pay 17.00. The extra .50 is for frag plugs I would have to get to make the frags for everyone. The auction ends in 2 days so we will have to hurry but this chalice looks sweet to me! http://cgi.ebay.com/Live-Coral-Exotic-Volcano-Eye-Mycedium-Chalice-/260737391324?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb528dadc#ht_3496wt_904

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with ebay pricing there is no way to guarantee the price. Not sure how you are sitting at the 17 per person with two days left. He typically runs his auctions for two to three days, which means you can be outbid pretty fast. Not drying to be a downer here but it's tough to get a group buy going on a coral on ebay. It's much easier once the coral is purchased or from a LFS.

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I think everyone is itching for another group buy again lol! I was going to do one with rainbow acans with davy jones but another lfs put an end to it and I'm pretty sure I know which one.


I agree with ebay it would be difficult. Westside's name was drawn last month but not enough people wanted sps.


I think 10 is the most to do. What would people like chalice? Acans? Sps? Favias?


I also would like to show some love to our local fish stores! They have been awesome with their support of tft and just overall been helpful! :)

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If you guys want to do a group buy this badly on a chalice/acan/favia why not talk to a LFS about bringing one in for you guys.

Seems that would be alot easier.


I think maybe a few of us added onto this thread when we should have started a new one. My vote for acans/favias was just that, voting for a local group buy. I'm all for group buys w/ the LFS! As long as competing LFS' can play nice and not rain on the parade. (laugh)

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that was already tried on some acans but another lfs put that to rest for the group......


I don't understand why as a paying members we are told by stores that no, we can't pool our money and buy something to share. I have no idea what went on, what was said or why. I do know that as a consumer I don't need a retailer's permission to purchase what I want. I'm sorry to clutter this thread, and I know not what I speak since, again, I have no idea what went on, but I find that hard to accept that the rest of the group slowly backs off and says nevermind???


Am very interested in why the last group buy was cancelled and why the stores dictate where/if the money is spent?

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Just a comment on the auction item from ebay. It looks very similar to my key lime mango sherbet chalice. I've tried fragging it 4 times and only one of the frags has made it. So I don't recommend a chalice like that for a group by. There is 2 different types of chalice that I know about and Brad had difficulties with this type as well before (WWC toxic pie)

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