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Fedor fighting tonight


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Alright so most of you know that I'm a huge MMA fan but I wanted to see what others thought about Fedor fighting still and the fact that he's fighting basically nobody's in his weight class. He got beat for his first time his last go around and he was once called the best fighter ever. I'm not sure if that title really could still hold with his last go around but what does everyone else feel about this?

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Bigfoot aint no joke. He's not going to win but it should be a good fight. I think Fedor is definately past his prime but he still shocks the hell out of me evrytime I see him fight. That James Rogers fight showed he's not what he used to be but it also showed he's still dangerous. I doubt he could beat Overeem which is probably why he's been ducking him. Anyways heavyweight fights are almost always fun to watch.

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Is that the MMA Masters?? lol


:) pretty much. Similar size and experiance plus its a fight Fedor could win. I dont think he's really too old to be fighting just too small for heavyweight. I really hope UFC adds a weight class between 205 and 265 the gap is just too big especially when you have guys cutting from 290 to make the 265 limit. Guys like Cro-cop, Fedor, Vera, Hardonk etc that are too big for 205 but too small for 265 but could be champs at 225 or 230.

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Well I did not see the fight lastnight, but I know Couture vs Fedor was something Randy really wanted about a year ago.

But since his movie career has taken off I do not think he will be fighting ever again. (he has like 5 movies lined up!)

But I like Couture in that fight as I think he could control the fight on the ground.

That's what happened to Couture late in his career. All the 250+ pounders could lay on him and wear him out. If he didn't get them in rd. 1 or 2 they just wore him down thru rds. 3-5.


I agree with you I would like to see a weight class breakdown.


move the Lt Hvy. class down to 200 even

Make Hvy. class go to 240

and Super Hvy over 240

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