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Fish for sale


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I will answer the PM's tonight.


I also have a 6" yellow foxface rabbitfish $30.00

The maroons are about 3" and are goldstripes. The gold stripes are developing and they are misbarred. Some people love them and some do not.

I am located in Fairview.



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Just saw your profile, that you are breeding fish. Very cool. You can ask Dave about me, I have talked to him a lot. I am a failure at breeding saltwater fish but keep trying, and want to try a different pair since my black percs eat their eggs and my grammas are either too young or not very productive. But whatever I try I won't be doing much, do not have the space to grow out more than 2 batches tops. A few years ago I raised dwarf seahorses and 1 batch of peppermints. I mainly breed freshwater fish. I am interested in the GSM clowns to see if my luck is due to the particular pair I have or if it's a method issue, probably the latter. I also fool around with wrasse eggs but their prolarvae are ridiculously small.

If you ever get dwarf seahorses shoot me a message, I have a couple people aside from me who really want them.



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Atlantic Tang is sold.


Hi Kate, I have known Dave since I was maybe 11 years old. I have been dabbling in breeding fish while keeping a 50 gallonfrag tank, a 270 gallon saltwater, remodeling a house, caring for 5 kids and working full time, so my time is spread out. That's why I am tearing down my big tank to concentrate more time in breeding. I have a pair of grammas too, but they are too young. I had a few pairs of seahorses and last spring and summer I had hundreds of baby erectuses, barbories, and reidi's. Unfortunately was not ready for most of them. New system, enviroment, and lack of experience. I did have a several yellow erectuses about an inch until, my system parameters went bad... I lost some broodstock and now I am in process of revamping my systems. Don't be discouraged and instead of failure use the term experience. I was told a breeder will kill alot of fish before being sucessfull. I thoughtDave was a jerk saying that, but it's really true. Keep going! As for dwarf's. i think they are pretty cool, but they are too small and their life expectancy is too short so I decided to stick with the bigger ones. I will let you know about the Maroons if I don't get a confirmation on them


Jim (failure... I mean experienced:)

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Atlantic Tang is sold.


Hi Kate, I have known Dave since I was maybe 11 years old. I have been dabbling in breeding fish while keeping a 50 gallonfrag tank, a 270 gallon saltwater, remodeling a house, caring for 5 kids and working full time, so my time is spread out. That's why I am tearing down my big tank to concentrate more time in breeding. I have a pair of grammas too, but they are too young. I had a few pairs of seahorses and last spring and summer I had hundreds of baby erectuses, barbories, and reidi's. Unfortunately was not ready for most of them. New system, enviroment, and lack of experience. I did have a several yellow erectuses about an inch until, my system parameters went bad... I lost some broodstock and now I am in process of revamping my systems. Don't be discouraged and instead of failure use the term experience. I was told a breeder will kill alot of fish before being sucessfull. I thoughtDave was a jerk saying that, but it's really true. Keep going! As for dwarf's. i think they are pretty cool, but they are too small and their life expectancy is too short so I decided to stick with the bigger ones. I will let you know about the Maroons if I don't get a confirmation on them


Jim (failure... I mean experienced:)


Thanks for the encouragement, and hope we both have success with the grammas. I am intimidated by most of the seahorses, after watching friends with pretty impressive skills have trouble, but I know others who have success too. They seem prone to disease, or maybe their environments get polluted from all the food.

There are so many ways to kill fish eggs and larvae, it's amazing. First eggs I had kept dying, could not figure it out, then noticed how much the air pump was vibrating their incubator. It appears I was scrambling them! Moved that to the floor away from the table legs, got a few to hatch, turned out the Ikea LED light I was using was frying them. Heater failure is a recurring theme, and every time the clownfish hatch (usually about a dozen eggs are uneaten by then) I have some medical disaster that day. So it's been interesting.

I might have a connection for S strain rotifers soon, will let you, Brian and Dave know if I get them. A researcher in Eugene raises them probably for Zfin (zebrafish/danio organization).

Maybe we should get a group together and buy some ORA yellow assessors and pair them up, they sound like a reasonable prospect.

Keep me posted, and good luck. Sounds like you have a lot on your table!


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