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silicate sand question


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Is silicate sand in a reef tank a bad thing?

My wife got some sugar sand and added it to the tank. When I looked at the package it didn't say anything about being aragonite. I assume its a silicate type of sand. It is sold by carribsea and says that its reef safe but that doesn't convince me. If it is silicate, is it bad?

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Yes you can use silica sand with no problems in a reef tank. I don't think it will cause diatoms due to the fact that the sand would have to dissolve to feed those diatoms, and the amount of force needed to dissolve a granule of silica would demolish your tank first. Besides, the glass holding the water and critters in your tank is silica! But if that isn't enough to sway you, silica isn't a bad thing in our tanks. Randy Holmes-Farley actually doses silicates into his reef tanks. But as Jody stated, it will not help with buffering at all. Another argument is that the granules are more jagged than round, creating a slightly harder substrate for things like fish and snails to penetrate. But i don't think this has any effect on our livestock, i mean our beaches here in Oregon are silica and they are teeming with life.


I use white silica sand for all the LR i make.

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take a little out of the tank and put viniger on it if it foams up it is aragonite sand if its silicate it will not do anything my friend showed me this trick and if you read on reefcentral there a post about doing that


Neat little trick.

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