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Seeking Ghost shrimp or Grass Shrimp


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I am actually seeking the Saltwater variation of this. I think I found it. $20 for 100....they have live brine, Nannochloropsis, Isochrysis G, Live Marine Rotifers, Keyhole Limpet, and large or small cleaner clams....


They also have 250 live brine for $35.


Thank you Mick. I would really like to find em local but I guess shipped will work too. Just local might get it tomorrow vs Tuesday.

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I use this site for live marine ghost shrimp (scroll about 1/2 way down). It's the only one that I know of....I'm hoping you have a cheaper source.




If this is your source, it is best to order the 250 count since you're going to be charged around $60 for shipping regardless of what you order.....meaning that 250 shrimp will set you back a C-note. They send only the shrimp in the styro-box. If you order other items, it will ship separately. The product is real good (as is the live brine)....just a tad expensive.

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Do not fall down stairs, what did you do? I tripped on a tomato cage in my yard and dislocated my elbow... who needs stairs?


Anyways, I would go in on the order if you did not already do it.


I have brine shrimp hatching daily and an easy greenwater if you want to grow your own. Brine shrimp are pretty easy. Rotifers on the other hand are @#$)


I am wondering if there is an Asian grocery on your side of town selling live marine prawns, they might be useful as well. There is one here in SE with shrimp, but the stock is pretty close to not live anymore.




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