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Please read! Protect our hobby!


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This was posted in another forum and I thought I would forward this here!


Even though a large portion of Hawaii is protected area, protected from Sports Fishing, Ornamental Fish Collection and Tourism activities that have a potential to damage the reef systems, there's attempts to close ALL of Hawaii, to Ornamental Fish Collection.


Here is the recent article from coral magazine:




Most of you may be aware, Snorkel Bob someone who was obviously ignored as child and is trying to put forth his own agenda with outright lies.


He is trying to introduce a bill that will pretty much ban all catching of fish in Hawaii for aquarium use and hit you with a $1000 fine if you are caught. So there would be NO fish exported out of hawaii for the saltwater world to enjoy. No flame angels, flame wrasses, bandit angels etc..etc.. will be gracing anyone's aquarium. I believe in regulating the hobby but an ouright ban is not needed here's a link to the Bill.




Here's a link to the petition for fellow reefers to fight back!


Please take a few seconds to sign the Aquarium Fishes of Hawaii Petition.



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That is nothing new really, there was a threat a couple years ago about the same thing. As much as it would suck, if there is an over fishing problem or obvious signs of it then I would much rather there be a ban or limit to whats being caught than to loose what we have in the wild just to satisfy our hobbie needs.

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That is nothing new really' date=' there was a threat a couple years ago about the same thing. As much as it would suck, if there is an over fishing problem or obvious signs of it then I would much rather there be a ban or limit to whats being caught than to loose what we have in the wild just to satisfy our hobbie needs.[/quote']


Yes there was a bill that was pushed forward. Like I said I'm not oppossed to regulation but would rather bills were actually based on facts. In fact a lot of damage to the coral reefs can be attributed to uneducated tourists who unknowingly cause damage and snorkel bob contributes to this with all of the rentals he does. It's just a tad hypocritical that's all.

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Oh ya, I understand that part of the argument for sure! I think if he really wanted to help he would change his practices first and set an example to others. Like hold a 1/2 hour corse showing the proper way to snorkle, and the effects of what happens to reefs that get trampled on. When I rented from him I was told in a 1 min speach be carfull of corals and dont step on them. As a hobbiest I know how fragile they are and respect that, as joeblow comes through the shop they dont care about anything but there own experiance, maybe he should c harge a bit more and contribute to local reef sanctarys, or maybe try to initiate a tourist permit thing for fishing and snorkling to help the state protect and support there natural resorces. When I went to Hunama Bay they had way more of a how to enjoy the reef without having an impact speach.

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I agree that controlling the issue is the best way. I personally would hate to see a ban be set into stone, as I think it would open the flood gates for other ares to be banned/closed.


That is why we as hobbyists need to do our part and buy tank-breed animals when possible. And support those that are on the fore-front of doing so.

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First it will be fish then it will be zoas!


fish are over rated but i signed it



Cool, thanks man!(clap) First it will be the banning of fish. Then it will be the banning of collecting your precious zoas that you love! :eek:Then it will move to the coral police bashing down your door,



smashing your tanks, handcuffing you, and confiscating your corals like a bad episode of Cops!(scary)icon9.gif


This moment of hysteria sprachlos040.gifbrought to you by the letter "h";)

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I guess I don't see where this is protecting our hobby. Seems that if we can't collect fish fom hawaii than we just can't get those fish. I don't see where that affects my tank or hobby. I don't think I have a single fish from hawaii


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it's my understanding that most of these fish from hawaii are caught using the cyanide method which is why they die....


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Not a very fair assumption...I know first hand that many many do not and would never consider using that method, and would probably drown someone they caught doing so...


Hawaii isn't a third world country, they know a little about sustainability, and have a lot of pride in their island.

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Not a very fair assumption...I know first hand that many many do not and would never consider using that method, and would probably drown someone they caught doing so...


Hawaii isn't a third world country, they know a little about sustainability, and have a lot of pride in their island.


I don't know of a single Hawaiian collector that uses it. Hawaiin collectors for the most part are some of the worlds best and they do care greatly about their reef! It's afterall their livelyhoods at stake here.



Hawaii is one of the greatest resources to our hobby. Imagine no more Yellow tangs, Achilles, Chevrons, Hawaiian Potters, Flames, etc.. The list goes on and on and when you toss inverts and such into the mix it continues to go on and on. Islands in general really greatly on the sustainable collection/fishing that comes from their surrounding waters, especially if they are tropical in nature. Huge huge mistake to even think of banning collection. Regulations are in place and continue to be placed to the point that it can already be difficult to collect and in turn feed families, etc, etc.

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I guess I don't see where this is protecting our hobby. Seems that if we can't collect fish fom hawaii than we just can't get those fish. I don't see where that affects my tank or hobby. I don't think I have a single fish from hawaii


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I have not even heard a comment from Snorkel bob's mouth that is that far off and over the top.


That statement is 100% false. We are so limited to how we catch fish here due to laws, that if you net is longer than 3 feet in total you are fined.


Out of any place in the world Hawaii collectors are the most humane to fish and have been for the longest.



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so I guess the better question is what does hawaii think about this bill it is their fish so if they are cool with it than that should be all that matters....who are we to make that decision for them


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So kevin....what do the people of hawaii think


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This is a very emotional situation for the people in Hawaii. This bill is not regulation, it is an all out ban. This violates more than just an aquarium. This violates the Hawaiian culture, this violates the livelyhood of business handed down through generations, this violates the livelyhood of 100's of families.


Take a look at this thread:




There are two good responses. One from myself and one from Les at wet pets Hawaii. You can see first hand the emotion and impact this has on the people of this islands.


Here is another response on our local aquarium forum.


Another bill has been cleverly introduced and temporarity saved by those who showed up and gave testimony against the bill....if the Hawaii Tropical Fish Association members did not rally together along with a few other people...and testify against the bill ...we would have got stone walled on monday morning and this bill would have been passed


.....meaning everyone in Hawaii will be banned from catching and collecting all Herbavores...which is mostly every aquarium and food fish we have(including bait fish such as oama for those fisherman out there)....I am proud to say that I am a member of the Hawaii Tropical Fish Association because these bunch of guys really care and work hard keep our aquarium/fishing insustry open. Matt and Randy have my highest respect for working extremely hard for all of us it's a full time job on top of their full time jobs if you know what I mean..........


Thank you to Kevin for also taking the time to show up and testify and Alex (a part time diver) that cared enough about all of us and our industry....Also a special thanks to Tony for also being an important person to our fishing industry...and mr. kelly for flying all the way from the big island to testify(if this collector could fly here to testify we all have no excuses not to show and defend what we all love)... we also had a shore caster there to testify..who does not have an aquarium but deeply cares for our sustainable resources...I think his name was Brian....thanks Brother!!!


We each had 3 minutes each to put in our testimony....we were able to convice the majority of the council members not to pass the bill. They could not kill the bill becasuse it was cleverly placed as a part of a legislative package with numerous other bills pertaining to important city issues that needed to be address...killing the bill would mean killing all the bills in the package....the next hearing is coming soon and

everyone and their mothers should show up and make a big huge statement that we will not go down quietly...like what happened to those 2 divers in Maui who were shut down...


I feel bad for those guys who are out of work they happened to be on the wrong island where the biggest supporters of the aquarium bill are....there needs to be a friggen long line of people that opposes the aquarium bill at the next hearing long enough to keep politicians sitting there for hours listening to our side of the story and get the truth heard...everyone!!! wholesale businesses,commercial divers,retail businesses,pet stores,hobbyist,and even guys who fish and eat seafood Im telling you if this bill passes it will be nasty for our economy and a blow to our ocean user culture in Hawaii...

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But I will sign something that says that guy is a douche


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so I guess the better question is what does hawaii think about this bill it is their fish so if they are cool with it than that should be all that matters....who are we to make that decision for them


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Thanks for bumping my thread and getting more views Eric. It's clear you just post to get attention but I don't mind at all as the way you contradict yourself is highly entertaining and I quoted you before you could CA2OR your thread(nono)(laugh)


First you say you signed because Snorkel Bob is a douche and now you are saying who are we to make the decision for them. So which one is it?(nutty)


Last I checked Hawaii was part of the 50 states and I learned of the original petition by a well respected Hawaii collector.


Eric it would be nice if you would actually do the responsible thing and did a little research before you start posting a bunch of B.S. about how cyanide is used in Hawaii. Otherwise you're no better than snorkel Bob. Hey Brad I need that B.S Flag!(laugh)

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I guess I don't see where this is protecting our hobby. Seems that if we can't collect fish fom hawaii than we just can't get those fish. I don't see where that affects my tank or hobby. I don't think I have a single fish from hawaii


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It's not only that there wouldn't be any fish or inverts from Hawaii, it would also create a ripple affect and other reefs could fallow suit and ban fish, invert, rock and coral collection for the hobbie. I also read some of your other posts and disagree 100%, Cyonide is basicaly banned allover the world, yes in some 3rd world comunities whare they dont care as much, or rely to much on the revanue from it dont fallow the laws, or the laws arnt upheald, but Hawaii is not one of those places.

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