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What are your parameters? Check those right away as they are the number one preventative measure you can take against diseases. (Healthy fish are much less likely to become infected and will fight the infections faster) Moving into the powerhead flow can sometimes be an indication of ich or other infestation along with rubing up against the rocks but it isn't a sure sign. (I have a trigger that spends more time playing in the powerhead than anything else that is perfectly healthy) Also look closely and be sure it isn't sand or debrise. I've often seen a bit of sand that looked like the start of an infection at first glance but was gone a few hours later. You might also run a search here for marine velvet and brooknella(Not sure on the spelling) as the treatment of both has been discussed recently.

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Ok so these are the only fish in my tank. Rose City told me to do a fresh water dip, for 4 minutes, gave me malachite green to put in my small container for the duration of the fresh water dip, and then said to put them back in my main tank as they are the only fish. Does this sound right?


plan B: what if i fresh water dipped them, put them in a quarantine tank thats 1.021 in salinity a little lower than 1.023 and do a 25% water change in the display tank, add some malachite green to the main tank, then place them back in the main tank. Does this sound better?

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How do I get rid of it?




I use Chemi Clean and used to use Red Slime Control- getting rid of it is easy but you need to try and determine the cause.


Mine was usually tied in with flow-I'd have to many frags on the sand bed and it would restrict certain areas.


Some dont like using chemicals in their tank which is fine for them but I dont mind.


Its an easy fix-


Google Red Slime bacteria and see the causes-the list is long

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Water changes, shorten your lighting schedule, and vacuum the sand, as well as check your parameters, something is out of wack, thats why you have the cyano.


As for the fish, stuff like that, always bad joojoo to add to the display...It's not for treating the tank, but the fish themselves. Follow directions, do NOT deviate from directions, otherwise you can nuke a tank to the point where you will never be able to put any kind of corals in it....And if it is MV, I'm not sure what if anything a FW dip will do...Treat them in a QT with the MG, and do some serious research, marine velvet can wipe out a tank in a matter of days, so do NOT add anything else to the tank til after you have the clowns cured....Putting them in a QT tank for 4-6 weeks would do wonders towards clearing up the infestation in the DT, so QT them, dip them, and read up on formalin treatments, it cured my clowns of brookynella, 7 days in a QT that had formalin added to it daily....Do not add it to your display though, seriously bad idea...

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Did two fresh water dips each at 3 mins, parasites came off in the FW, and the clowns are looking great. One has calm way down and the other is still kinda freaking out. Tried feeding them with some brine shrimp and garlic, but they didn;t seem to want any. Was feeding them dried pellet food for the first 3 days, oops, didn't know any better. Likely this was the cause, which made their skin not as resilient?

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Before getting concerned about the algae how long has your tank been set up? It's normal for it to have an algae outbreak around 3 weeks in that disappears after a week or two. If your tank has been set up for a bit longer then check the nitrates and phospates.

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Ya its been set up for about 8-9 weeks now. Nitrates were at 5 or 10. phosphates were also low around 0. going to test again tomorrow. Also is it fine to put the clowns in a 5 gallon bucket of saltwater with no light? And should i add the antibiotic to the QT bucket?

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It doesn't do much good if it's not in the water they're in...


FWIW, with the formalin treatment I used, as recommended to me by the clown expert Barelycuda, he raises them, has something like a dozen or more breeding pairs and 2 dozen rearing tanks, thousands of baby clowns, most of the clowns you see for sale locally probably come from his tanks, you keep them in the solution 24/7 for 7 days or so, and add the prescribed number of drops to the QT daily, in my case, my QT was a 15.5g nano tank, so I put in 15 drops daily.....They didn't leave the QT for 7 days, you just have to set up a smaller QT, say a 10g, they sell them at PETCO fully set-up for around 50 bucks, it's worth it to be perfectly honest, if I hadn't had the nano tank, I would of had to buy one.


Oh, and unless you have some kind of water movement going on or something, that 5g bucket will be the death of them, you need a filter of some kind, whether it's a HOB or a canister or whatnot, they need something moving the water around and aerating it.

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I didn't feed mine the entire time they were in the QT, too much chance of your ammonia going through the roof, honestly, I'd highly suggest going tomorrow if you can an picking up a smaller tank for them instead of the 5g bucket, but that's just me...


A powerhead will be ok, but you really need filtration as well, not just water movement man.

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A bucket would work (Not the greatest but would work in an emergency) but I would put some sort of light over it part of the day and you will need to do water changes every couple of days (Maybe 50%). Also be sure to run either a powerhead or air pump to keep the water aerated.

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