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First tank-up for 1.5wks


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Thought i should post some pics of the tank. It's been running for 1.5 wks so far. No live stock yet, and just 30lbs of great live rock! Thanks Clay, and thanks for the corals along with them! They are great. Can anyone ID these corals for me, i know nothing about them yet.






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Get rid of it quick, and do yourself a favor and invest in 2 items before you spend any money on corals, a refractometer and good test kits, also, this hobby is all about patience, hold off on adding anything for another 3-4 weeks, it will give your tank a chance to stabilize. If you move to fast, take it from experience, you will just be pissing the money you spend on corals away lol its better to wait than rush n lose all of your livestock

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I wouldn't. I rushed my first tank too. It was so exciting and so much cool stuff!!! But now I know better, and my second tank is on the extended cycle plan. ;) Give it a couple more weeks before you add anything. If you must buy something, go w/ the softies like newfisher said. Have fun watching everything "coming to life" in all your rocks/sand!

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Wait to add anything (even inverts) for at least 3 or 4 weeks. Maybe longer. As someone above mentioned patience is important. In the meantime research research research. Learn how to check parameters, how to check the initial cycle, compatibilty etc. Note that 1 1/2 weeks is definately not long enough for the tank to develop a stable environment.

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I have a valve after the pump and I have to close

It almost completely to even come close to balancing with the suction side or intake.


most overflows should be able to handle 600gph. i run 1250gph on my 55g and it doesn't even burp at that kind of flow so there is something wrong with your setup or you definitely need a bigger overflow box cause in my opinion 600gph is just barely enough turnover for a reef tank of 55g size and your having to throttle that down like 75%? thats not right.

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What could possibly be wrong? It does seem like something isn't right.


what size bulkhead and tube is running to the sump? it should at least be 1" if not bigger. check for blockage, prefilter sponges not clear? your pump line should also only be somewhere between 1/2" to 3/4" in size.

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Looks to me like your U Tube is tiny!! You need a nice fat one! And when you want some more rock let me know. The more live rock the cleaner the tank! I am glad you it! So far so good! I wonder if any of the guys on this forum live close to you. I think someone needs to go and check it out and do a little crash course on his system!



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