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Seeking assistance on Oct 2nd


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Hey guys....and gals, I am moving on October 1st....gotta be out by end of day on 3rd and am trying to get some assistance with breaking down and moving my 60 cube.


So far I have Snowpunk, Reefit....I believe, and Reefnjunkie has offered to assist as well but he has obligations on the second, but is bringing 20g tote to spin water.


So....I need more help. I can try and offer frags for assistance. We will BBQ after move and obviously will feed helpers.


Can anyone else lend a hand on the second? I would like to start by 10a. Thanks in advance.


Side note, could use some extra hands on the 1st if anyone is interested.

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I'll be there at 10 or so on Saturday if thats the day you want to do. Just let me know. I'm out any other day though with work and prior engagements on sunday.


I don't know how many your gonna need though. I did my 75 with everything including tank, stand, hood, coral, rocks, sand, and a ton of fish in a few hours with just one other guy helping.


I would say any more then you and I and 2 others may be counter productive.

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shoot me a pm as a reminder. You need buckets barrels ro? Let me know. I have a 55 and (2) 15 gallon barrels as well. Let me know and I can drop off barrels' date=' buckets etc... Earlier in week.[/quote']


after some thought we have settled on moving the tank on the second. We are moving 90 to 95% of us on the 1st....planning tank location....and spinning up the water to be used the next day. If you can come on the second Jimmy I would be much obliged. Either way I can definately use the 55 Gallon. It would be ready for pick up on the 3rd and guaranteed no later than the 4th.


Hey Eric' date=' where are you moving to? Not sure what I can do but I can help on thursday or any day this week if you need anything.[/quote']


We don't get the truck till first thing in the morning on the 30th. The plan right now is to load the truck with everything from garage and almost everything from the apartment on the 30th. Then on the 1st pick up the keys and unload the truck into the house. The tank would follow the next day. But as it goes for the move it is myself, I think my neighbor, and a former neighbor helping out....hopefully....on the 30th....and I think only my neighbor on the 1st.


i dont mind helpin out!!! just let me know forsure what day!


the 2nd, Saturday, 10a. I appreciate the offer.


I'll be there at 10 or so on Saturday if thats the day you want to do. Just let me know. I'm out any other day though with work and prior engagements on sunday.


I don't know how many your gonna need though. I did my 75 with everything including tank, stand, hood, coral, rocks, sand, and a ton of fish in a few hours with just one other guy helping.


I would say any more then you and I and 2 others may be counter productive.


The reasons I am shooting for 5 or 6 of us are because of the following:

2 tanks....1 60g cube with stand, sump, canopy....1 14g nano which is almost not worth mentioning(scratch). But I have to remember where all my power is routed or going to be routed to best suit my needs....Korellia's go to specific powerstrip which doesn't turn off for tank changes and so on. The timer configuration is imparitive as well for the lights as the MH blows out a couple of them when it fires up and only one can support it and the LED's at the same time.....gotta stay the same. Plus....I don't want anyone to get hurt (nono) so I figure having a few more hands would be a good idea. Lastly....I could use different perspectives on location and set up. I have been considering putting 2x10g tanks below my 60 to run a xenia tank and a refugium...then plumb to the sump. Idealy linking all that together with the 14g(scary).


On top of all of this I have about a billion Mojano's to kill DOH! as I am taking out my rock....plus I gotta figure out how to stack this stuff into buckets (speaking of which I could use some for this) and then back into the dang tank.


But this isn't the plan for this move....unless the opportunity presents itself in a very obvious manor....like someone has a hole saw and all the plumbing parts by chance on them....(nutty)


I can probably help. I have a 15 passenger van if you need transportation.


That would be awesome. Initially I only had Reefnjunkie and I was a bit concerned over fitting all of this....even though he seemed to have it all sorted out. Plus just 2 of us makes me nervous carrying this tank and stuff down stairs.



OK....so correct me if I am wrong..(scratch)..but it appears that I have Snowpunk, Haywood, and Rgrcrain along with the transportation...Hopefully Jimmyk and hopefully the 55, Dee if you can get a ride, and possibly Vanz and Reefit? If all of this is correct and works out we should be good to go..(rock2)..might have a few extra's if everyone shows but that is fine....I have a lot of fish stuff(crazy).

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I can help out tonight or tomorrow night (not sure what you need help during this time, but that's when I'm available). Can't friday and the weekend. BUT I can help you afterwards when everything is moved over during the week since I'll be real close now. We still need to see Dylan!


I got a 55g drum that you can use if you need to lug or make up water. It's huge and has a lid with lock.


Let me know

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