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Going on a mini vacation!

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Hey everyone!



I will be unavailable today through Tuesday. I will be going down the the San Francisco area and will be visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium, hopefully Steinhards again, as well as Great America! I got some beautiful stuff in yesterday and have more coming in next week. Hit me up some time next wekk if you would like to swing by and check out some of the critters!



Thanks and everyone have a great Labor Day weekend!!!

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Thanks for all of the kind wishes!



We had a blast and got to see some pretty sweet stuff! Great America was surprisingly slow with 5 minute waits on all of the rides. Very fun time. The one bummer was that the Sunfish was off display do to some renovation going on around his tank. Good stuff though all around.




I am back in town and have some great critters in the tanks. Feel free and toss me a text, email, pm or give me a call if you would like to swing by.

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