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Reefers are killers...


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First, let me say I support Sea Shepherds...both in spirit and financially...I believe they are a slightly crazy, fringe group with often lousy methods, but the best of intentions. They take action which is more than I can say for other "conservancy groups"...


Having said that, this article by "Snorkle Bob" accusing tank aquarists of being fish killers is a little over the top. I can't imagine how many corals and sensitive areas in the Hawaii waters have been trampled on by Snorkle Bobs rented flippers.


Sounds to me like a big advertising push due to his new book...


Thoughts about our hobby being cruel anyone?





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I think because of the hobby there will always be corals to replace the ones that have been distroyed by horrible things like the oil spills and ignorant people who want to handle the wild corals. Plus because of breeders like barelycuda not as many fish are taken from the oceans. At first I thought maybe this hobby was horrible until I started a reef tank and see all the good it can do. It has helped educate my children about how wonderful the oceans are and to respect them.

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at no time does this idiot mention the fact that pulution and preditors have an effect, a major effect on fish population and coral reefs. so if every hobbiest took down there aquriums, what do you do with the coral and fish? put them back in the ocean so preditors or pulution kills them. oh, by the way, sea world and every other city aquarium, your gone....this guy been sucking upto much outboard motor exhaust though his sorkel !!! (how many years have countries been dumping trash in the ocean along with all the oil spills?)

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maybe he should rail against the effects of fossil fuel via global warming that are more clearly and significantly destroying reefs.

if he wants a more local cause, maybe he could take on the many golf courses along the beaches for the fertilizer run-off that is the primary cause of the turf algae invasions he speaks of.

or better yet maybe he should just stick to peddling leis and snorkels to tourists.

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No offense intended but SERIOUSLY!!! You all think this hobby does not adversely effect the reef? I could agree with an argument that suggests there are worse things than reefers effecting the reefs (exp. in Indonesia cyanide is used for catching food fish as well as aquarium fish) but to play innocent is at it's best ignorant. We (humans) are a destructive force on this planet.

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I agree. I was being a bit flippant. There are many of us that prefer aqua-cultured corals and fish for both ethical and practical reasons. Unfortunately the author failed to mention this fast growing movement. There is a huge underlying respect for the ocean among most reef aquarists that are willing to become involved to protect the reefs. This support has been the direct result of reef aquariums. I grew up next to the ocean and learned of it's wonders. Now people in Manitoba can have a part of that experience and see directly why it is important to protect the oceans.

I think when an argument is made to alienate rather than to enlist and attempt to make accord the results are often predictable. There was an opportunity to reach out to reef aquarists and find a critical alliance of like minded people. This could have been a slam-dunk. This was all lost in his heavy-handed article that promoted his uncontrolled personal rancor.

Instead of gaining support he used propaganda to support his agenda. It back-fired and made many of us question our support of Sea Shepherds and further distance others.

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I agree. I was being a bit flippant. There are many of us that prefer aqua-cultured corals and fish for both ethical and practical reasons. Unfortunately the author failed to mention this fast growing movement. There is a huge underlying respect for the ocean among most reef aquarists that are willing to become involved to protect the reefs. This support has been the direct result of reef aquariums. I grew up next to the ocean and learned of it's wonders. Now people in Manitoba can have a part of that experience and see directly why it is important to protect the oceans.

I think when an argument is made to alienate rather than to enlist and attempt to make accord the results are often predictable. There was an opportunity to reach out to reef aquarists and find a critical alliance of like minded people. This could have been a slam-dunk. This was all lost in his heavy-handed article that promoted his uncontrolled personal rancor.

Instead of gaining support he used propaganda to support his agenda. It back-fired and made many of us question our support of Sea Shepherds and further distance others.


Wow Franklin well said!(clap)

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