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Live Rock, Inverts, and more!

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This last week I brought in about 400lbs of live rock from various sources and have it all available at a great price over the next few weeks! Here are some pics of the various kinds of rock that is in the tanks.


Tonga Branch Rock cooking up nicely! Really great and harder to come by rock that will add a nice touch to your aquascape. $3.50/lb or $3/lb 20lbs+




Lots of really nice Marshall Island and Fiji Premium Live Rock. Great variety of sizes and shapes to choose from. This is some really porus and colorful rock! $3.50/lb or $3/lb 20lbs+





Larger show size pieces are at $3.99/lb or $3.50/lb 20lbs+



Pukani/Tukani Live Rock is incredibly porus and can be used to get a really great, natural looking aquascape. This rock has loads of spots for corals to be mounted and cracks and crevaces for critters to move through. $3.50/lb or $3.25/lb 20lbs+ or $3.00/lb 40lbs+








Astreas, Ceriths, Tongan Nassarius, Black Nassarius, Nerites, Trochus, and Mexican Turbos. Blue leg hermits, Red leg hermits, Scarlet hermits, Blue eyed zebra hermits, Decorator spider arrow crabs, and much much more!



Also just got about 3 dozen new nano sized corals to add to the hundreds of other corals already in the tanks!


There are several nice fish in the tanks as well, including a nice powder blue, a couple of nice male melanarus, a nice mystery wrasse, a few different fairy wrasses, a beautiful flasher wrassee, and much, much more!






As always there are some great prices on salt, foods, and propagation supplies as well as ordered dry goods!





I should be around most of the weekend! Toss me a text or pm, or give me a call if you would like to swing by!




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There is definately alot of nice rock to be had right now!


I keep many inverts in stock regularly but if there is something in particular you are looking for or if you are in need of a large quantity of something, I can always do a preorder arrangement :)


What day/night works for you? I usually am pretty busy Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Friday days but I usually have evenings available and if day time works better, I can often get my work schedule arranged around when you planning to head down.


It might be time for me to come down now. I am looking for a large piece of tonga for my 125.


Do you keep the inverts in stock, or do I need to preorder?


Can we work out a weekday/night?



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Some of the larger pieces are around the 12"-18" length though it is hard to tell how much each might weigh. I know I have a couple of 30lb+ pieces in there but most are probably 15-20lbs or so on the larger pieces. Most of the pieces are medium sized. I like to make rock columns and structures by drilling and using acrylic rod, pvc, or zip ties so medium pieces with all sorts of weird shapes tend to work better for that kind of thing. Ends up looking like one XL show rock and usually has some pretty cool shapes.

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Hey Nate,


The wife, some friends, and I have a beach trip planned for tomorrow but I may be around in the evening depending on what time we get back. Hit me up if interested in swinging by. Also should be available until about 3pm on Sunday. Have a wedding to attend and then will be free in the evening again on Sunday. Most of the week my evenings should be free as well :)

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