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The venturi on my skimmer sucks, how is yours???? Unless you dropped big $$$ on your skimmer it might suck as well. I found some parts in the sprinkler section of the hardware store that will make for a great upgraded venturi. I hope this helps someone out there!


My skimmer uses a 1/2" MTP to connect a small section of pipe to it for the intake. My venturi is nothing except a rigid tube stuck into the open end of the section of pipe.


So here goes the pics


Here is our fitting






So i found some pretty rigid tubing that fit perfectly into that barbed outlet. We need to get something in the path of the water so that the pressure created in the middle of the T sucks air into the water. Then your impeller chops up the air into tiny bubbles.


Here is the tubing



I cut the end at an angle. I'm not fully sure of the reason for this, but all venturis i have seen have it this way.



Miles, looks good, now you just need some mesh for that pump, LOL. I have your mesh already to go and I just need to through some stamp on the envelope and ship it off to you, should be going out on Tuesday if I can find stamps.


I just altered my venturi for me Sedra 5000 pumps because after the mesh mod I cannot get enough air into the pump. I just drilled out the current input and tapped it for a 3/8 by 1/4" quest fitting and used some plastic fusion epoxy on it to make sure I have no leaks. They are still drying but I should know within an hour how they work.


Here are 2 pics of what I did.





That should definately let more air in. If this one i made doesn't work very well, i'll be doing something like that. I'll use that other barb fitting in my pics and just thread it into the current intake.


Thats great news about the mesh, will be just in time for me to try that venturi. I'm holding off till i do a WC. Thanks!!


Funny you should ask, i just installed it last night. WOW! Its pulling far more air now, the water level is much more consistant, and the bubbles are smaller for some reason too. Definately a huge improvement. Now i just need to get something to make the neck longer and some of that mesh!


I still need to make a silencer, since i'm using 1/2" ID tubing it very loud. A cotton ball in the end helps, but i'm gonna make a silencer out of PVC tonight.


Silencer was a piece of cake. I just took a small tupperware bowl, cut a hole in the bottom, slide that over the air intake, filled the tupperware with tissue/cotton, put a bunch of pin holes in the top and put the top on. Nice and quiet.

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