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just drink some.... the hair will come. although Jay might object to that.

I dunno, don't men like to run their fingers through women's long hair? :D

Right on girl!!!!!

I knew I'd go up a few pegs with someone for being a whiskey lover! I'm going to have to try the "flat beer fizzy maker" thing! laugh



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now you guys are just getting nasty.


Beer is the way to go. Mid range. Ambers. No Stouts. Taste like cold coffee.


If I am going to drink whiskey, I'll drink it straight.


Nobody wants to see the Indian on Firewater.indian (crazy) (flame) jail



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Nobody wants to see the Indian on Firewater.

Hasn't anyone told you that it's not politically correct to use to term "Indian" for you folk? It's Native American, Chief! nono laugh


Don't let him fool you... given the choice between a good brew and a fine red wine, he'd hit the vino any day. Although he did bring home a 12 pack of "Fat Tire" which I used to erroneously call "Flat Tire".


I'll just stick with my double Crown on the rocks. I'm a simple girl, I like a simple drink. Although one of these days I'm going to have to broaden my horizons and try different whiskeys. Not cheapo orange whiskey, either. The good stuff! I learned my lesson with a cheap fifth of tequila. Quality over quantity! ;)



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Well then, I am recently cultivating a taste for top-shelf gin. Tanquerey Ten on the rocks. Maybe with a splash of cran. It's like floor cleaner for the brain.


Imagine; Pine-sol on the mind.



I use Squirt. Very nice and light, good summer drink.(drinking)

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Or a GOOD mudslide made with ice cream....
Now, you're talkin'! Nothing like a milkshake with a kick to it! laugh


I've never tried the coconut rum... sounds interesting! But if it automatically transports me to the islands, I'm there!


I was trying to get Jay to go to a brewery so I could sound like an idiot and ask if they have any of those "weird fizzy pills you drop in flat beer" so I could experience that, but apparently he didn't feel like getting embarassed. Oh, the stories I could tell! I live to embarass and shock people!



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I used to be the Malibu and Coke prefunker... back in Eugene at Oregon.


Alright, here's a nice drink for dessert. It's called a grasshopper. But, you have to do it right:

1 oz Creme de Menthe

1 oz Creme de Coco

1 scoop vanilla bean ice cream

ice cubes.


Blend to Puree, pour in a tall frosted glass. It's like an adult slurpee.

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