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So are you back up and running yet?

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I just got most of the parts I needed to get the plumbing going on the new system. The old system is still fully up and running and has lots of inverts and corals though fish stock is kind of lower than usual. The new system is going to be pretty cool but it's taking me a few to get things setup the way I want them. Cross members, drywall, paint, garage floor sealed and painted with a non slip grit paint, all electrical finished, huge RO/DI installed, new cabinets and racks in place, 2x new 100g sumps aquired, 12-14 new tanks ready for setup and plumbing, and dry goods starting to ramp up. Lots of fun stuff to come shortly :)


Feel free to call or text if you want to swing by the old place and pick up some critters or anything else. I have a huge variety and number of inverts and clean up crew items as well as lots of corals and food.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys! It was good to have you guys over. You are some of the first to see the new system. Today I am working on getting some of the stuff moved over to the new system. It is going to take some time before I can get everything moved over. Yesterday I got one of the tanks stock and rock moved and everything seems even happier than it was at the old place as of this morning!


Hopefully I will be able to get an order going sometime in the next week or so.

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