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Leather toxin


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Well now that most my acros and some small eyed lps have been thrashed now. I guess I am going to have to blame it on leather toxin. I haven't been able to find anything wrong with my water parameters and most the corals grew well before but have had little hiccups along the way.

(white spots that show up and then heal up in a week or two)

My bulbs are new

My flow has gone down some from losing my wavy sea, but they grew well before I had that.

I have been running carbon most the time


Before I go about getting rid of this bad boy, anyone found a good way to deal with this?

His is the size of a 10" dinner plate, maybe more if he had the room to open up. I do have a Devil hand as well that about 5" and a few baby's from it that got away from me.


Tank is 125gal and total water vol. is about 150


Any idea's?


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Have you tried to run active carbon in a power filter of some kind that will strip out any terpins the softcorals might be releasing into the system. If it builds up to much it can be detrimental to the SPS corals. Also when you run carbon, it is going to make the water super clear, so i would reduce your light schedule so you dont burn the corals

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I would guess that is your culprit, as well. I have a pretty similar yellow leather, and the last time I tried to frag it, I neglected to add fresh carbon, and I lost all my acros (just 2 or 3), and a few other things looked unhappy. Montis were fine. (worst part is the leather frags did not make it for some reason).


Perhaps a year ago, I had a lot of stuff in the tank that slowly started to look more and more unhappy, including zoos and stuff, which I thought should be pretty hardy. I tested nutrient parameters and nothing looked too out of whack. I figured it must be toxins (allelopathy) like you are suspecting. I started running activated carbon, and over the course of several weeks things really started to perk up.


If you don't already run carbon, I would try it. And, don't frag that thing (scary) - at least not while it is in your tank. If you do frag it, give it some time to heal before putting it back in.

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