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This is just too FRIGGIN cool!!!1


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If that link doesnt work, this is what it is:


Sustainable Aquatics™ Sustainable Island Tank Raised and fully acclimated to aquarium life juvenile Koran Angelfish


Tank Raised Angels, now how friggin cool is that, I knew they were doing Dwarf Flame's, but I had no clue they were doing full sized angels.(rock2)(rock2)(rock2)(rock2)

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I wonder other species, while not widely available the moment, are also being bred in captivity? I mean, everyone knows about clowns and blennies and gobies, and now mandarins and apparently koran angels, but, what other species are out there that we can get as tank raised rather than wild caught?

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Tank Raised


You have to be careful how you read into things......


These are not bred in captivity, it says they are "tank raised"! What this means is they collect them from the wild when they are very young and raise them to a larger size before selling them. If they were actually bred in captivity then they would be advertised as "tank bred". Wording can be very decieving! Being tank bred they collect them very young and probably loose more of them than you want to know because young are harder to acclimate. The ones that do survive the acclimation process and are raised in captivity are going to be hardier once you get them because they have been in a tank for a longer period of time. That is the only difference. They are just used to the conditions of our tanks more so then a fish that was just recently caught would be........ Which makes them hardier from the hobbiest point of view.

Just my 2cents from what I have read......





If that link doesnt work, this is what it is:


Sustainable Aquatics™ Sustainable Island Tank Raised and fully acclimated to aquarium life juvenile Koran Angelfish


Tank Raised Angels, now how friggin cool is that, I knew they were doing Dwarf Flame's, but I had no clue they were doing full sized angels.(rock2)(rock2)(rock2)(rock2)

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GTD Maximas-Very cool


And this is one hellacious cool Maxima Clam




Never heard of a Vietnam Teardrop Maxima before, but its friggin COOL


Very cool Clams-One of my favorites even more than the Ultra I currently have


This one died while I "tried" Vodka dosing



This one died because I kept "unburying him"



I think all and all I have killed 3 GTD (giant tear drop) Maximas-(sad)


On a positive note, I know MUCH more about clams presently than in the past-most important-"what not to do "

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I think all and all I have killed 3 GTD (giant tear drop) Maximas-(sad)



So why do you blame the death of one of those on Vodka dosing? Isn't it possible that it was unrelated? Not picking a fight, sincerely curious.

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So why do you blame the death of one of those on Vodka dosing? Isn't it possible that it was unrelated? Not picking a fight' date=' sincerely curious.[/quote']


Only for the fact that it had been in my tank for a few months looking great-I started Vodka Dosing and the thing just started looking "not right" 7 days later totally dead, as well a Bellus Angel I had for months died in 24 hours-the fish my be unrelated as I dont see how VD can affect fish.


I believe miles also had a clam die on him when he was dosing.


I dont read it as a fight Andy-its all good, I have thick skin-;)


Alot of people have success with VD (no jokes needed) and there are those that dont-My skimmer may have been the culprit-I was doing the cautious method and dosing twice a day-Its the Holmes Farley or whomever article you can find online-


I have since added the purigen and never looked back NO3 presently <.01

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Brad time to do some shots. You first then me until the bottles are gone. Eh' date=' we'd be gone before the bottles (laugh)[/quote']


I got a group of buds that shoot vodka-F'n nasty

Its like drinking fingernail polish remover-not that I have but when you smel something the taste buds get a "taste"

They freeze the shot glasses and drink it like it tastes good-LOL


I'm good with shootin Tequila or maybe Jack or Yukon, or Crown, or ,......... no Vodka or Gin, brings back teenage nightmares

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