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I want to plumb my R/O system under my sink. I was planning on having my cold water line T'd to my R/O unit...I am bad with non-pvc plumbing. How would you guys recommend I do this? (I want to have my R/O unit always on, and have my sink work as well. I am putting an auto-shut off system on my R/O unit.)

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I used a compression T and then added a ball valve to it to turn it on and off. We live in an apartment and if we tapped the line, we would have to pay to replace the pipe. The Compression T thing just screwed in and was done. Took me less then 5 minutes, and I know very little about plumbing and I am not handy.



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I went to HD and bought a replacement sink pipe (between the main water valve and the faucet) with one that is made of polyethylene (or the refridgerator water line type) and use a john-guest compression fitting to tap off the water line. As for your drain line, you will need to tap into the sink drain line and that's easily replaceable too.

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Any chance you would be willing to swing by and help me set it up? I am REALLY bad with metal plumbing. I could pay you for the pump also.



I appreciate it, if Franklin can't come over, I'd love your help. I just owe him anyways :]

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Actually now that I look at it, I have 2 valves connected to the wall, for hot and cold, and each one connects directly to a braided line going up to my faucet. For my drain, it goes directly to my garbage disposal, and then into a 1" ABS pipe, then opens up into a 1.5" U trap thingy, then goes into the wall. That is why I wanted to make a T from the valve to the braided line, probably with a ball valve. Unless thats what someone already said, in which case I need to work on my reading comprehension.

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Well I got it all plumbed properly, I just can't tell which line is waste water and which is R/O. I am pretty sure waste water is the one that is flowing a lot of water, and the R/O is the stuff that is just barely dripping. I need to switch the lines if thats the case, then it works properly. Now all I need to do is change the resin/filters and I am good to go! Thank you all for the suggestions!

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Thanks. I am normally really good with PVC plumbing, but anything metal/tapped into my home water supply scares the crap out of me. By the way Bryan, next time you're in Aqua Serene, ask for me :] I am usually outside playing with the koi or something.

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Also, I figured out why my R/O system was flowing so much out the waste water line, and so little out the clean water line. The problem was that when I switched the waste and clean lines, I didnt know there was an inline flow restrictor installed! Now it works fine.

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One thought for you. You said you were setting it up to an auto shutoff. If this is for an auto topoff for your tank, you may want to reconsider. Generally when the RO/DI unit starts up, it has some high TDS in the product water for a couple of seconds. If you're filling a big bucket, it's no big deal. If you're just pumping a few cups at a time, it means your topoff water isn't all that clean.



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