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Barracuda Flow


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Does this sound workable?



The system will consist of 2-55 gallon Tanks and one 40 gallon, stacked vertically. The max rise will be 6 1/2' to the top tank. Each tank is drilled with 1" bulkheads, one inlet. with a center overflow(ghost overflow.)


The Pump I would like to use is a Reeflo Barracuda, plumbed to 4-6 outlets. I plan on using 3/4" ID tubing to reach each tank. I also plan on using the pump to power the Skimmer and the Ca Reactor.




Any suggestions? Is this going to be too much flow? the tanks are 12" deep...

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Does this sound workable?



The system will consist of 2-55 gallon Tanks and one 40 gallon, stacked vertically. The max rise will be 6 1/2' to the top tank. Each tank is drilled with 1" bulkheads, one inlet. with a center overflow(ghost overflow.)


The Pump I would like to use is a Reeflo Barracuda, plumbed to 4-6 outlets. I plan on using 3/4" ID tubing to reach each tank. I also plan on using the pump to power the Skimmer and the Ca Reactor.




Any suggestions? Is this going to be too much flow? the tanks are 12" deep...


That is a lot of dividing and such. What type of corals for them all? You can always use a ball valve to gear it back too. This could turn out to be a plumbing nightmare off of just one pump. How about an image of what you were thinking? I like visuals to work from(laugh).


(Side note) If it does end up being too much and you have the Barracuda, I have a Dart and a Snapper, and I was thinking of upgrading to a little more flow?(naughty)(naughty)

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What's a ghost overflow?

I'm dealing with a plumbing nightmare too, involving a Barracuda :-)

I just want to connect a prop tank (46x16x10) to my system, but the limits of my sump are driving me crazy.

Snowpunk, in case I feel it is gonna be too much for my layout I will consider a trade. I know you were trying to get the same pump ;-)

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What's a ghost overflow?

I'm dealing with a plumbing nightmare too, involving a Barracuda :-)

I just want to connect a prop tank (46x16x10) to my system, but the limits of my sump are driving me crazy.

Snowpunk, in case I feel it is gonna be too much for my layout I will consider a trade. I know you were trying to get the same pump ;-)


yea I am, just let me know if I can be of assistance in any of these builds. I love thinking about these things and laying them out and stuff. Same thing goes for you with the pump too...lol I just did some reading and found I may do better on the 180 cube with the bigger pump so ya know...:p

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