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Baby Blue Acro Frags for trade


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Acros for trade. I'd love to get branching acros for these, but I would take small amounts of money too.


I've got three unknown acros that are green with baby blue tips. From left to right in the pic: $8, $7, $10. The picture is a bit underexposed but my camera (skilz?) suck. At least is shows the color of the tips well. The one on the right is growing down too... that's why you see the blue at the bottom.




ps. First is just way too dark...



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Do you want to do a trade for some bambam zoo's.


I would, but I just traded out the last of the three shown in the picture (well, one is pending). I do have one more not shown, but it's pretty small. It's maybe 1/2 of an inch tall but it is three branches. I'd take a polyp or two (two sounds greedy to me...) if you wanted to come by. It's up to you.



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I'd like one if you still have?


I've got the 1/2 inch one still here or I could frag a 1 inch piece. I would prefer to take a trade but would take $3/$5. You might find something else you like. (whistle)


I'm fragging my ORA Red w/ green (blue?) tips today.



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