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Who are the Blazers? I remember there was some Blazers along time ago but I stopped going to the games after all the terrible roll models came to town. I know a few of them (2) and wouldn't fess to it... money rots your life when you cant be responsible.

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I think they have done a pretty decent jobs of getting those guys out of here. Darius Miles is really the only "knuclehead" left but he probably wont play in the NBA ever again because of bad knees (rumor) Yeah I do miss the old days of Cylde, Porter, Buck, Cliffy, Drazen, Duckworth, and Kersey!! Gotta be a homer though. GO BLAZERS!! Later Ryan

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The Blazers won???? I've been an avid fan for years except for the last 2. I get too upset watching a losing game. If they turn around, I may have to buy some of those $4 tickets to see them. Unfortunately, my in-laws gave up their season tickets last year because they couldn't ever find people to take the unused tickets :(.

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Ugh the Blazers. Back in the days of Clyde, Terry, Buck, Kersey, and Duckworth i loved them. Good role models and always played their hearts out. I still have a 6ft tall Clyde the Glide poster and all their rookie cards! Guys like Randolph disgust me. $96 million dollars and he still only actually "plays" half the games. Don't even get me started on Myles. I'd like to root for them again, but after so many years of drug charges, gun charges, dog fighting, bar fights etc and the organization just letting it happen, its gonna be awhile before i can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Preseason doesnt matter in any sports. If your a good team you play everyone. Thats why they call the preseason the "PRE-season" Yeah Roy being out a couple weeks hurts. It will be a tought stretch. Dallas tonight. GO BLAZERS!! Later Ryan

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  • 1 year later...

First of all, Darius Miles isn't even playing this year. We are not the same team as the Jail Blazers of the past.


Take a look at Greg Oden- Started Team Oden with a goal of finding kids in our area mentors.


Brandon Roy- Brandon Roy foundation which tests kid for learning disabilities... Affiliated with UW I believe.


Anyway, those are just two examples. The teams image is positive, and I believe any of them are good role models. We've managed to assemble a really good team with really good people. This is why we should be proud of them. They've come a long way this year. Next year will be even better.



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