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I am stoked....I think


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(scratch) So I made arrangements with a friend of mine that has some rarely seen corals. The one I am getting is "walking Duncan's". They get the name of "walking" as they have a symbiotic relationship with a Peanut worm" AKA "Sipunculid" which provides the mobility. Here it is in his words " These fascinating little corals share a common charactistic of having a symbiotic association with a small invertebrate called a sipunculid or peanut worm, which gives the corals mobility and the ability to stay on the surface of the soft sediments in the environment where they live. The symbiotic association begins when the larval coral settles on a small snail shell as the first phase of the coral’s adult life. As the coral grows and its skeletal deposition nearly engulfs the shell, the peanut worm takes up residence inside the shell and through its own activity maintains a channel through the coral skelton to the outside. By the eversion and retraction of its feeding proboscis into or onto the soft sediment, the peanut worm can move the coral to a new position and keep it from being buried."


The reason I say "I think" is because of the other corals I have and my anemone. (scratch)I am not sure how this will work as these Duncan's move around the tank at times and could brush up on something that doesn't compute....I know my computer references and puns are rediculious(nutty). But with a asking price of $300 for a pair I think there is reason to worry, but there are benefits to having friends....and something he has been sweeting me for, for over 2 years.(plotting)


Anyway here they are....any thoughts or opinions? Does anyone have any experience with these? Sorry these aren't the best pictures out there I am sure.




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As far as I know these are brand new to the hobby. I would not pursuit them unless you are really up for putting the time into making them survive.


No offense Eric, but I don't think you have the backround or dedication to go after these, neither do I. IMO I would wait them out for now. If they do well, they will be around again, if not, you would have just wasted your time, there lives, and the possibility for someone to figure out how they work in home systems.


I do know of tanks set up for them, but really to early to tell results.



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As far as I know these are brand new to the hobby. I would not pursuit them unless you are really up for putting the time into making them survive.


No offense Eric, but I don't think you have the backround or dedication to go after these, neither do I. IMO I would wait them out for now. If they do well, they will be around again, if not, you would have just wasted your time, there lives, and the possibility for someone to figure out how they work in home systems.


I do know of tanks set up for them, but really to early to tell results.




No offense taken. I pretty much had a similar response when he told me about them, but he keeps saying they are pretty much like dendro's or duncan's...except the move.

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very cool but may get lost in a larger system I would think these would be more for a dedicated system mainly for there needs with suitable tank mates what kind of system does your friend keep his in? and for 300$ even if in trade is a spendy experiment with loss of life possibly.

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